Yongshan County Entertainment

Yongshan county(永善县) is rich in entertaining resources. Teahouses can be seen everywhere, and local people always drink tea and play cards or mahjong in these teahouses. KTV is the best choice for one who wants to spent a pleasant night and enjoys himself to the full. Bars are also nice for young people. In addition, there is a farmers and workers’ square on which people spend their leisure time.

The Charm of East Entertaining Center(东方魅力娱乐城)

Address: on Zhenxing Avenue in Yongshan county, Zhaotong city(昭通市永善县振兴大道)

Tel: 0870-4125055

Yongshan Farmers and Workers’ Sqaure(永善工农广场)

Address: No.79 on Jinjiang Road in Yongshan county, Zhaotong city(昭通市永善县金江路79号)

Diamond Age KTV(钻石年代KTV)

Address: in the traffic light crossing of the Zhenxing Avenue in Yongshan county, Zhaotong city(昭通市永善县振兴大街红绿灯口)

Tel: 0870-4121333

Aishang Entertainment(艾尚娱乐)

Address: on Zhenxing Avenue in Yongshan county, Zhaotong city(昭通市永善县振兴大道)

Tel: 08704124299

Good Mood  Teahouse(好心情茶室)

Address: No. 79 on the Jinjiang Road in Yongshan county, Zhaotong city(昭通市永善县金江路79 号)

Tel: 0870-6801462