Lilame Village of Midian Town in Xiangyun County, Dali

Plan your Dali Ethnic Villages Tour to Dali? Visit Lilame Village of Midian Town in Xiangyun County, Dali which is one of the most fascinating ethnic villages in Dali. Explore the local folk ethnic culture including History, Food and Dining, Clothing, Customs and Traditions, Architecture, Festivals, Crafts, Religion, Language of local ethnic people in Lilame Village of Midian Town in Xiangyun County, Dali.

Chinese Name:大理祥云县米甸镇楚场村委会立腊么村
English Name: Lilame Village (Lisu Ethnic Minority) of Midian Town in Xiangyun County, Dali
Dragon Worship Festival in Xiangyun County is held in Lilame Village of Midian Town.
每年的农历二月初二,古时在立腊么称为“中和节”,俗称“龙抬头”。所谓龙抬头是指经过冬眠,百虫开始苏醒。米甸镇楚场村的立腊么寨子的傈僳族和彝族同胞都会集体欢度祖祖辈辈留传下来的祭龙活动,通过“选龙头、造龙、祭龙”、刀耕火种、洗泥澡、歌舞盛会和宴会、分食“龙肉” 等特色活动,展示多姿多彩的民族风情。

