Photo Gallery of Birds

You may start a bird photography tour by visiting the border town of Ruili, one also blessed with good quality forest on its door step. Or move to Yingjiang, a smaller town that’s also close to the Myanmar border. Sought-after species here included, like Grey Peacock-pheasant and Great Slaty Woodpecker. Tengchong is not only historic settlement and but also the habitat of Brown-winged Parrotbill and Slender-billed Oriole. Gaoligongshan is the woodlands near there where we’ll search for another speciality, Yunnan Nuthatch. Nearby we’ll also hunt for Lady Amherst’s Pheasant, the severely threatened White-speckled Laughingthrush, Rufous-tailed Babbler and Black-bibbed. In a word, Yunnan is a extremely a good place for bird watching. Check the photos as below.