How to Plan a Winter Ski Tour in Yunnan

Located in the south of China, winter weather in Yunnan is still relatively warm. In the south China, people never see much snow in their lives. As for skiing, although there are eight snow mountains in Yunnan, including Jiaozi Snow Mountain, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Haba Snow Mountain, Meili Snow Mountain, Bala Gezong Snow Mountain, Baima Snow Mountain, Tianbao Snow Mountain, and Shika Snow Mountain, few ski field are available in Yunnan. This is because ski resorts are demanding on the Yunnan’s environment. Some of the world’s best ski resorts are 1500-3000 kilometers above sea level, while the highest Alps is just 3000 kilometers above sea level on average. Most of the snow mountains in Yunnan are too high and steep in elevation, especially the strong wind, partial snow and changeable weather, most of them are not suitable for the construction of snow fields. However, Yunnan’s snow mountains are always popular with tourists. And now there are several ski fields in Yunnan, and tourists can enjoy the thrill and happiness of skiing in Yunnan.

The Glacier Park of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Lijiang
The Glacier Park of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Lijiang

Skiing at Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

About Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Ski Field

Lijiang Jade Dragon Snow Mountain ski resort in Yunnan is located at the eastern foot of Yulong Snow Mountain. It is only 20 kilometers from the Lijiang Ancient Town, which has been rated as “World Cultural Heritage” by the United Nations, and is the warmest natural alpine ski resort near the equator of the earth. As soon as you enter Lijiang, you can see its silvery sparkling shadow at first glance.


Take the snow mountain cableway directly to the Shanzidou, the main peak of Yulong snow mountain, out of the exit then you will see an open natural ski resort. The ski resort is 4500 meters-4700 meters above the sea level, and is covered by snow all the year round. It is 1000 meters long from east to west, 600 meters wide from south to north, and the snow quality is good, suitable for the four seasons skiing. Warm climates and 8 months of snow period each year (November to June of the following year) are top of the China or even the world.

The projects launched at Yulong Snow Mountain Ski Resort include alpine skiing, beginner skiing(with ski coaches), snowmobile, snow rubber ring, sleighs and other snow entertainments.


120 yuan per person(80 yuan per person of snow mountain ticket, 40 yuan per person of maintenance fee of ancient town, charge when entering snow mountain scenic spot), including Ganhaizi, Baishui River, Spruce Meadow and other scenic spots in the scenic area.

The Surrounding Scenery

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Ski Field and Millennium glaciers as companion, enjoying its surrounding scenery while playing with snow is the key. Yulong Snow Mountain in Winter may be called the true snow mountain, at this time, the “Jade Dragon” is snow-capped, spectacular but elegant. In the ski field, the most attractive is the surrounding invincible scenery. The sky above is ethereal and clean; Looking far into the distance, there are Ganhaizi, Baishui River, spruce meadow and Yak meadow below the mountain; It is a fancy enjoyment to see the cloud at the ski field.

How to Get There

You should take a High-speed train or flight to Lijiang first. Upon arrival in Lijiang, you can take the tourist bus to Jade dragon snow mountain, or No.7 bus from Hongtaiyang Square can also get there. When you are there at Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, you can take the cableway to the Ski Field at the altitude of 4500 meters.

Read More: 
Lijiang Transportation
Lijiang Sanyi Airport
Lijiang Railway Station

Best Time to Visit

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is regarded by the Naxi people as sacred mountain. You can ski at Jade Dragon Snow Mountain all the year round, and taking the enclosed cable car, you can reach the ski field at the altitude of 4506 meters above sea level. Here, there are up to 8 months of snow period each year, usually from November to March of the following year is the best skiing season.


In addition to providing tourists with the best sceneries, food in Lijiang may also meet your expectations. Among the famous dishes in Lijiang, you are suggested to try the black goat hot pot, because black goat is one of the most common foods for the local people. Cured pork chop is also popular, and it is usually seen when eating hot pot. There are all kinds of fish dishes in Lijiang, maybe you can try the salmon fish, which may not be the same as you have eaten before. There is basically no restaurant at the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain scenic area, so bring yourself some drinks and snacks. Before you go to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, it is recommended to bring some high-energy snacks such as beef jerky, chocolate, candy and so on, in case you can replenish your fitness at any time.


You can stay at Adange Hotel, Yunnan Aviation Sightseeing Hotel or Lijiang Guanfang Hotel, which has a better conditions. Besides, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is only 25 kilometers from Lijiang Ancient Town. There are more accommodation options inside Lijiang Ancient Town from private inns to antique star hotels. If you prefer a quiet environment, you can stay at the hostels inside Shuhe ancient town.

Travel Tips

You can rent down clothes or oxygen bags at Yulong Snow Mountain(However, most visitors do not need a oxygen bag, please decide according to your actual situation). There is a drug called Rhodiola at the infirmary on Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, specialized in the treatment of high altitude reactions.

Skiing in Huize County

Yunnan Dahaicao Mountain International Ski Resort is located at Dahaicao Mountain Scenic area in Huize County. The construction began in mid-2017. At present, the first phase of construction has been completed, with a scale of 190,000 square meters. It is one of the largest outdoor ski resorts in southwest China. During the snow season from 2018 to 2019, for the first time, the ski resorts are open to 3 primary ski track, 1 intermediate snow track and 2 advanced snow track. In addition, an alpine cable car, 4 magic carpet and more than 10,000 square meters of entertainment park, which can meet the needs of tourists of all ages. The snow season of the ski resort can be as long as 100 days to 120 days, and it is one of the international ski resorts with long operating hours in the south of China.

During the snow season from 2018 to 2019, two-hour ski tickets will be 120 yuan per person at ordinary time and 180 yuan per person on weekends and holidays. The fees will include admission tickets of Dahaicao Mountain Scenic area and basic ski equipment. In addition, ski tickets buying online or from other channels may have a certain discount.

It is believed that in the near future, the ski field facilities will be more perfect, and more ski tracks will be open to public.


The distance between Kunming and Huize is about 198 kilometers, while 42 kilometers from the county seat of Huize County to Dahaicao Mountain. The whole journey is about 4-5 hours. There are direct long-distance buses from Kunming to Huize County. Upon arrival at Huize Bus terminal, you can take the chartered bus to Dahaicao Mountain.

Self-driving Route: Kunming-KunQu(Kunming-Qujing) Expressway-Songdai Expressway-Huize County-Dahaicao Mountain

Skiing At Jiaozi Snow Mountain

Jiaozi Snow Mountain is located at the junction of Luquan County, Xundian County and Dongchuan District, and is a national nature reserve. On February 2, 2018, Jiaozi Snow Mountain International Ski Field opened a primary snow track for trial operation. In the future, if you go to Jiaozi Snow Mountain in Winter, you can not only enjoy the rime and have a snowballs fight, but also experience the joy of skiing. The total area of the international ski resort at Jiaozi Snow Mountain in Yunnan Province is more than 150,000 square meters. Construction began in September 2017. At present, the first phase of the project has been completed, with an area of more than 40, 000 square meters, mainly consisting of primary and intermediate snow tracks, which can satisfy a single day 6000 person-time reception volume.

Address: Wumeng Township, Luquan County, Kunming昆明市禄劝县乌蒙乡
Opening Hours in the Daytime: 8:30-18:00
Specialized Opening Hours in the Evening: 19:00-22:00
Annual Opening Time: 110 days(Early Dec. – Middle March)
Ski Hotline: 0871-62727888
Price: Mon-Fri: 198 yuan/135 minutes/per person, 498 yuan/all day/per person; Weekends and Holidays: 238 yuan/135 minutes/per person, 568 yuan/all day/per person; In the evening(except for Chiese legal holidays): 168 yuan/135 minutes/per person (The fee includes ski shoes and skis, not clothing rental and coach fee)


The Jiaozi Snow Mountain International Ski Field in Yunnan is located at Jiaozi Snow Mountain Scenic spot, with the altitude of 3150 meters above sea level. It is a large-scale outdoor ski resort with the lowest latitude in China at present. Departing from Kunming, you can take the Jiaozi snow mountain tourism line, the whole journey takes about 3.5 hours.

Skiing in Shangri-La

Shangri-La ski resort is located in Hala Village, Nixi Township, Shangri-la, Diqing, with a total area of about 40 square kilometers. After the completion of Shangri-La ski resort, there are 12 primary, middle and advanced ski tracks with the total area of 1.18 million square meters, and 10 passenger cableways.

Shangri-La ski Field is located in Jiantang Town, Shangri-La, Diqing. The unique alpine environment makes the snow here excellent, the snow period of up to half a year and the ski track surrounded by the green trees. The snow-capped mountains in the far distance make you feel in the wonderland.

Shangri-La ski field restaurant, consisting of luxurious and elegant Chinese, Western food hall, and Tibetan dining rooms with different styles, can accommodate more than 300 people to eat at the same time, and can meet the different levels of personalized dining needs.

The housekeeping Department of Shangri-La ski field is equipped with grand suite(luxury and comfortable), small suite(Family-style), standard room(economic and leisure). You are provided clean and pure drinking water, 24-hour hot and cold water supply, advanced security, fire control system and free internet. The high-quality services make guests appreciate the warmth of home and make sure that guests can stay comfortably and conveniently.