Hualuo Ethnic People

Plan Yunnan ethnic culture travel of Hualuo Ethnic Minority, visit the featured ethnic towns and villages of Hualuo Ethnic Group, discover the History, Food and Dining, Clothing, Customs and Traditions, Architecture, Festivals, Crafts, Religion,Language, Population and Distribution of Hualuo Ethnic Minority in Yunnan.

Hualuo Ethnic People (花倮人) is a tribe of Yi Ethnic Minority,.花倮人,属极少数民族,是彝族的一个分支,现分布在云南省文山州的广南、西畴县。据史料记载:花倮人源于西北高原南下的游牧民族,他们最崇拜的“神物”是荞。花倮人于1958年划归为彝族,有自己的语言,但没有文字。千百年来,他们用自己民族丰富多彩、风格特异的舞蹈,如:葫芦笙舞、弦子舞、闹丧舞,加上神秘美丽动人的神话故事,把花倮人的文化、风俗、精神传承至今。