Laoyeshan Mountain in Yiliang County, Kunming
Chinese Name:宜良县老爷山
English Name:Laoyeshan Mountain in Yiliang County, Kunming
One of the Ten Steepest Mountains in Kunming, Laoye Mt is situated between Yiliang County and Guandu District of Kunming. Its east part is mainly carpeted by verdant vegetation and the upper part is extremely steeple. Ascending to the top, one can enjoy the overwhelming views of the Yangzong Lake and the Yiliang Basin. Culturally, each lunar 15 June is a local temple fair attended by villagers of the communities around the mountain.
Highest altitude: 2,730 metres
Duration: one day
Trekking mileage: 9 km
Route: Kunming-Muxi Village (Tangchi Town, Yiliang County); Kunming-Adi Village (Dababqiao Town, Guandu District)