Liushao Town Travel in Xundian County, Kunming

Liushao Red Earth/六哨红土地

Liushao Red Earth, compared to Dongchuan Red Earth, has its own unique characteristics, with an even larger geographic area that includes gently sloping mountain roads running through it, making it particularly convenient for sightseeing and photography. Being in a high-altitude cold mountainous area, the autumn harvest here starts earlier than in Dongchuan. In July, walking along the mountain paths, one can feel the autumnal ambiance, with various wildflowers of the season blooming along the roadsides. Farmers busily harvest crops in the fields, with plump potatoes scattered across the red earth. Many fields have been plowed and sown, exposing more of the red soil, creating a vibrant and colorful landscape that is truly spectacular.

Liushao Township is located in the central-western part of Xundian County, about 120 kilometers from Kunming. It is a mountainous township inhabited by ethnic minorities, situated at an altitude of over 2000 meters. Traveling along the township’s roads, one can witness continuous terraced fields stretching across the mountains, reaching out towards the distant horizon, presenting a magnificent scene. Located in the Wumeng Mountain region, not far from Dongchuan, most photographers focus on Dongchuan Red Earth, leaving Liushao largely undeveloped as a tourist destination. Consequently, there are few visitors, yet it offers a serene and pristine environment cherished for its untouched beauty. For those seeking to capture the beauty of red earth landscapes, Liushao is certainly not to be missed.Liushao Town Travel in Xundian County, Kunming

Address: Most areas of Liushao Township, Xundian

Heihe Crane Nature Reserve/寻甸黑颈鹤自然保护区

The Xundian Heihe Crane Nature Reserve is known as the southernmost wintering ground for the Black-necked Crane and is the only place in Kunming where this nationally protected species can be observed. Located on the elevated plateau between Liushao, Diansha, and Jinshuo in the central-western part of Xundian County, the reserve hosts a large population of Black-necked Cranes every year from the 9th day of the 9th lunar month to the 3rd day of the 3rd lunar month. The reserve is 45 kilometers away from Xundian County town. In recent years, the reserve has strengthened conservation measures to maintain the population of Black-necked Cranes that migrate here for wintering. Additionally, Xundian has designated a wetland area within the core protection zone for cultivating crops such as potatoes and buckwheat to ensure food sources for the wintering Black-necked Cranes.

Tips: The Black-necked Crane is a large flying bird, approximately 120 centimeters in length, with a gray-white body. It is the only crane species in the world that breeds and thrives on plateaus. They inhabit grasslands and marshes at altitudes ranging from 2500 to 5000 meters, mainly found in China’s Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. They breed in the border areas of Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan, as well as in Xinjiang during the summer, and migrate to southern Tibet and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau for winter. Originally concentrated around Dashanbao in Zhaotong City, they have gradually migrated south in recent years, with increasing numbers seen annually in Yunnan’s Kunming Xundian County, Yuze County, and other areas.Liushao Potato Flowers Sea in Xundian County, Kunming

Address: Henghe Village, Liushao Township, Xundian County

The Potato Flower Sea of Liushao/六哨洋芋花海

Liushao Township, located in the central-western part of Xundian, is a high-altitude mountainous area dominated by red soil. One of its most famous attractions is the vast expanse of potato flowers that cover the hillsides. Normally inconspicuous, these potato flowers burst into full bloom from mid-June to the end of June each year, covering tens of thousands of acres in a colorful mosaic. Amidst overlapping mountains and terraced fields, the sudden eruption of pink, light purple, and pure white flowers creates a spectacular sea of potato flowers, forming a unique landscape.

The concentrated areas of potato flowers are mainly in Baili Village and Dahutang Village, where nearly 20,000 acres of potato fields can be found. Along the road from Henghe Village to Liushao Township, potato flowers are also abundant. Not far from Baili Village, on a nearby mountain ridge, there is a cluster of windmills. The combination of windmills and potato flowers creates a picturesque and unique atmosphere.

Address: Liushao Township, Xundian County, along the road from Henghe Village to Liushao Township, concentrated in Baili Village and Dahutang Village.

Best Time to Visit: Around mid-June

The Windmill Group of Liushao/六哨风车群

Near Henghe Village in Liushao Township, there is a picturesque windmill group standing tall on the red hillsides. Against the backdrop of colorful potato flowers reflecting off the red earth, these white windmills become a distinctive feature of the majestic landscapes of Wumeng.

The windmill group is located near Henghe Village, south of Liushao Township. There are signs along the road, and after traveling approximately two kilometers into Henghe Village, you can see them atop the village’s hills. While the potato flowers here may not be as spectacular as those in Baili Village or Dahutang Village, the addition of windmills creates a unique and charming scenery.

Address: Henghe Village, Liushao Township, Xundian County

Entrance Fee: Free

Yi Ethnicity Lichu Festival

The Torch Festival and Lichu Festival are the primary festivals of the Yi ethnic group, with the Lichu Festival being particularly celebrated in Xundian. Before liberation, the Torch Festival was Xundian’s most grand event, held annually from the 24th day of the 6th lunar month for three days. It involved ancestral worship and various entertainment activities such as bullfighting, wrestling, swings, horse riding, and archery.

The Lichu Festival evolved from the Torch Festival and is a festival where the Yi people pray for a bountiful harvest. It still occurs on the 24th day of the 6th lunar month, focusing on entertainment activities. It is said, “Han people have their stages, Yi people have their autumn stages,” highlighting the grandeur of the Lichu Festival. The main activities during the Lichu Festival include bullfighting, derived from earlier traditions of cricket, cock, and sheep fighting, along with wrestling, horse riding, archery, cultural performances, and trading activities.

To experience the unique atmosphere of the Yi Lichu Festival, consider visiting Liushao. In the autumn fields, the lively bullfights reach a climax amid the laughter and cheers of crowds; elegantly dressed Yi women in red attire and white pleated skirts gather in groups, their embroidered red shawls draped over their shoulders. Nearby, steam rises from large iron pots of mutton soup, emitting irresistible aromas. Under the shade of trees away from the crowd, Yi young men sing traditional songs with the young women.

Address: Town of Liushao, Xundian County

Date: 24th day of the 6th lunar month each year (corresponding to August 7th in 2015)

Accommodation: Several guesthouses are available in Liushao Township, typically priced around 50 RMB per room, rising to 70-80 RMB per room during the Lichu Festival.

Transportation: (40 km from Xundian County)

  1. Driving from Xundian County: Take the Sanyu Road to Jinsuo Town, then head towards Xianfeng/Majie direction at Jinsuo Town. Turn right towards Liushao at Longjiazi (look for signs for Yilin Garden and Qinglong Restaurant along the way). Follow the road until reaching Henghe Village, where there are signs for the wind farm at the sand and gravel road intersection on the left side.
  2. Driving from Kedu Town: Head towards Liushao Township from Kedu Town, turn right at Sandaogou Village onto Provincial Road 253, pass through Songlin Village to Dahutang Village, and continue onwards to the windmill group and Baili Village.
  3. Bus: Take a bus from the passenger station that passes through Henghe Village. Inform the driver to drop you off at the wind farm road intersection in Henghe Village. Buses depart from 7:10 AM to 2:30 PM, with 9 trips daily passing through Henghe Village.

Transportation Tips: There is a coal mine near Xianfeng Town, and the road from Jinsuo to Longjiazi sees heavy traffic of coal trucks. The road is narrow with sharp bends, so drive carefully and anticipate passing opportunities. There is also a long uphill stretch from Jinsuo to Maicongqing Village with many sharp curves and rough road conditions, combined with heavy truck traffic. Avoid reckless overtaking and drive cautiously.


Liushao Township is renowned for its potatoes. Visitors can enjoy a meal featuring various potato dishes and local farm cuisine.


Near the Black-necked Crane Protection Area, there are no guesthouses. However, Liushao Township offers accommodations in local hotels, typically priced around 50 RMB per night. Alternatively, visitors can stay in Xundian County.

Nearby Attractions

  • Dongchuan Red Land (70 km): Famous for its stunning red earth landscapes.
  • Xinghe Hot Spring Town (53 km): A relaxing destination known for its natural hot springs.
  • Dangui Hongjun Village / Red Army Long March Memorial Hall (30 km): Historical sites commemorating the Red Army’s Long March.

Photography Road Trip Itineraries

Self-Driving Photography Tour: Kunming — Beidaying Grassland — Black-necked Crane Protection Area

Day 1:

  • Start from Kunming in the morning towards Beidaying. Capture autumn scenery with herds of cattle and sheep, and experience horseback riding on the grasslands.
  • In the evening, photograph the golden hues of sunset over the grasslands, with shepherds guiding their flocks back home.
  • Stay overnight in the village and savor delicious local mutton and beef dishes.

Day 2:

  • Early morning, capture the misty morning and sunrise over the grasslands.
  • After breakfast, head to the Black-necked Crane Protection Area. Use a telephoto lens to photograph these vigilant birds, ensuring to find good cover for photography.
  • On the way from the Protection Area to Liushao Township, enjoy expansive red earth landscapes and windmill clusters, ideal as backdrops for photography.

Family Self-Driving Tour: Kunming — Dangui Hongjun Village — Liushao Windmill Group — Black-necked Crane Protection Area — Xinghe Hot Spring Town

Day 1:

  • Depart from Kunming towards Kedu Town, enjoying a meal at the Red Army-themed restaurant.
  • After lunch, visit Dangui Hongjun Village, where faded slogans like “The Red Army Absolutely Will Not Retreat” still speak of its historic significance. Visit the ancient mosque with its tolling bells, transporting visitors back to the wartime era.
  • Afternoon visit to the Black-necked Crane Protection Area in Liushao Township. En route, witness the spectacular red earth terraces, reminiscent of musical notes.
  • Beyond Henghe Village, spot the signage for the Protection Area on the left at the gravel road. Follow this path to the wetlands where Black-necked Cranes winter, gracefully foraging amidst the water or on the red earth.

Xinghe Hot Spring Town:

  • Morning visit to Beidaying Grassland, followed by an afternoon of relaxation at Xinghe Hot Spring Town.
  • Return to Kunming or stay overnight in Xinghe Hot Spring Town before returning.

Transportation Guide

  1. Self-Driving from Kunming:
    • Take Sanyu Road to Jinsuo Town in Xundian County, then head towards Xianfeng/Majie. At Longjiazi, turn right towards Liushao Township (look for signs for Yilin Garden and Qinglong Restaurant). Follow the road until Henghe Village, where you’ll find signage for the wind farm at the sand and gravel road intersection on the left.
  2. Self-Driving from Kedu Town:
    • Head towards Liushao Township from Kedu Town, turning right at Sandaogou Village onto Provincial Road 253. Pass through Songlin Village to Dahutang Village, continuing to the windmill group and Baili Village.
  3. By Bus:
    • From Kunming to Xundian County, take a bus from the passenger station that passes through Henghe Village. Inform the driver to drop you off at the wind farm road intersection in Henghe Village. Buses depart from 7:10 AM to 2:30 PM, with 9 trips daily passing through Henghe Village.

Dining Tips

Liushao Township is famous for its potatoes. Visitors can enjoy a full meal featuring various potato dishes and authentic farm cuisine.

Accommodation Tips

Near the Black-necked Crane Protection Area, there are no guesthouses. However, Liushao Township offers accommodations in local hotels, typically priced around 50 RMB per night. Alternatively, visitors can stay in Xundian County.

This itinerary provides a comprehensive guide for exploring Liushao Township and its surrounding attractions, ensuring a memorable experience of Yunnan’s natural beauty and cultural richness.