Xiaozhongdian Pasture and Flower Sea in Shangri La, Diqing

Where is Xiaozhongdian Pasture – Location

Xiaozhongdian is on the way to Shangrila from Lijiang. Xiaozhongdian located 25 KM to the south of the county town, bordering Jiantang Town(建塘镇) in the north, Jinjiang Town(金江镇) in the south, Hutiaoxia Town(虎跳峡镇), Sanbei Town(三坝乡) in the east, and Shangjiang Town(上江乡), Wujing Town(五境乡) in the west. The topography is higher in the north with an area of 1054 sq,km. There are 3 villages under its jurisdiction, Lianhe Village(联合村), Heping Village(和平村) and Tuanjie Village(团结村).

History and Culture

Xiaozhongdian is “Yangtang(洋塘)” in Tibetan language which means “Another basin(又一块坝子)”. It is named “Xiaodandang(小旦当)” in Yuan Dynasty, also called Yangdamu(杨达木), belonging to Benbueryisigang(奔不儿亦思刚) ZhaoTao department(招讨司).

How to Get there

Tourists can take the shuttle bus from Lijiang to Shangrila and get off at Xiaozhongdian Town. Or take the local minibus from Shangrila to Xiaozhongdian Town. Car-rental is also very available and Yunnan Exploration can provide this service with skilled drive and good vehicle.

What to See at Xiaozhongdian Pasture

Guests will arrive at the first village in Xiaozhongdian after only half an hour’s drive. From there, guests will go across the beautiful farmland by foot where highland barleys, potatoes and bright yellow rapeseed vegetable are grown. Guests can enjoy the colors of the different blossom seasons in all four seasons and watch the locals labouring in the farmland.

Meanwhile, it’s a good place to have a photo shoot and take wedding photos.

Best Season to Visit

June to October is a nice season to see wild flower in Xiaozhongdian, Shangrila. You can also see Tibetan village, Yaks and other animals. if you are traveling by road in this season, you will not miss it. When it turns to Autumn in September and October, there are fiery-red stellera chamaejasme flowers all around.

Scenic Views

  1. Pastoral Landscapes: The pastureland offers expansive greenery where local Tibetan herders graze their yaks and sheep. The backdrop of snow-capped mountains adds to the scenic beauty.
  2. Flower Meadows: During the blooming season, typically in summer and early autumn, the Flower Sea bursts into a riot of colors with various alpine flowers like rhododendrons, azaleas, and gentians.

Activities and Attractions

  • Hiking and Trekking: Visitors can explore the area on foot, enjoying leisurely hikes amidst the pastoral landscapes and flower-filled meadows.
  • Photography: The stunning vistas provide ample opportunities for photography enthusiasts, especially during sunrise and sunset when the light casts a golden hue over the landscape.

Local Culture and Traditions

  • Tibetan Culture: Experience local Tibetan customs and traditions as you interact with the herders and possibly visit nearby Tibetan villages.
  • Cuisine: Sample traditional Tibetan dishes at local eateries, offering a taste of the region’s culinary delights.

Practical Information

  • Best Time to Visit: Summer and early autumn (June to September) are ideal for witnessing the flower blooms. Late spring also offers lush green landscapes.
  • Accessibility: Xiaozhongdian Pasture and Flower Sea is accessible by road from Shangri-La town. Private vehicles or local tours are common means of transportation.

Tips for Visitors

  • Weather: Yunnan’s weather can be unpredictable. It’s advisable to check weather forecasts and dress accordingly, especially for outdoor activities.
  • Respect Local Customs: While visiting Tibetan areas, respect local customs and traditions, including etiquette when interacting with locals.

Conservation Efforts

  • Environmental Protection: Support local efforts to preserve the natural beauty and biodiversity of the Xiaozhongdian Pasture and Flower Sea by adhering to eco-friendly practices.

Attractions Nearby

Tiger Leaping Gorge
The Tiger Leaping Gorge is one of the deepest gorges with spectacular sceneries on the planet such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain to the west and Haba Snow Mountain to the east.

Dukezhong Ancient Town
Just like the meaning of its name in Tibetan, the “Castle built on Stone”, Dukezong Ancient Town is built on the mountain foot. As one of the largest and best-preserved Tibetan residence groups in China, the 1300-year-old Dukezong Ancient Town, not only plays an important role in the Old Tea – Horse Road, but also serves as a corridor connecting Chinese and Tibetan language, people, religion and cultures.

Songzanlin Monastery
Songzanlin Monastery is the largest Tibetan Buddhist temple complex in Yunnan Province. It is called the Little Potala Palace. In 1993, it was listed as a Key Provincial Protection Unit of Cultural Relics by the government of Yunnan Province. It is said that the Fifth Dalai Lama decided the location though divination and gave the name—Gedansongzanlin. At its height, the monastery housed 2,000 monks. Now about 700 monks live there or around the region.