Chuxiong Useful Numbers

Here are some commonly used contact numbers for Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture:

Government Departments and Public Services

  • Chuxiong Prefecture Government Service Hotline: 0878-3186666
  • Chuxiong Public Security Bureau: 0878-3122444
  • Chuxiong Fire Department: 119 (Fire Emergency), 0878-3138833
  • Chuxiong Emergency Medical Center: 120
  • Chuxiong Health and Family Planning Commission: 0878-3122359
  • Chuxiong Education Bureau: 0878-3125544
  • Chuxiong Transportation Bureau: 0878-3123269
  • Chuxiong Water Affairs Bureau: 0878-3122369
  • Chuxiong Power Company: 95598
  • Chuxiong Gas Company: 0878-3122366
  • Chuxiong Environmental Protection Bureau: 0878-3122468
  • Chuxiong Civil Affairs Bureau: 0878-3122450
  • Chuxiong Judicial Bureau: 0878-3137118
  • Chuxiong Culture and Tourism Bureau: 0878-3188811
  • Chuxiong Development and Reform Commission: 0878-3122360
  • Chuxiong Finance Bureau: 0878-3122410
  • Chuxiong Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: 0878-3125588
  • Chuxiong Audit Bureau: 0878-3122368
  • Chuxiong Land and Resources Bureau: 0878-3122361
  • Chuxiong Statistics Bureau: 0878-3122441
  • Chuxiong Post Administration: 0878-3122477
  • Chuxiong Supply and Marketing Cooperative: 0878-3122383
  • Chuxiong Disabled Persons’ Federation: 0878-3136166
  • Chuxiong Red Cross: 0878-3122302
  • Chuxiong Elderly Affairs Office: 0878-3131623
  • Chuxiong Sports Bureau: 0878-3122461
  • Chuxiong Administration of Work Safety: 0878-3122362
  • Chuxiong Approval Bureau: 0878-3122363
  • Chuxiong Petitions Bureau: 0878-3122367

Tourism-related Services

  • Chuxiong Culture and Tourism Bureau: 0878-3188811
  • Chuxiong Tourism Consultation Hotline: 0878-3122439
  • Chuxiong Scenic Area Service Hotline: 0878-3122439
  • Chuxiong Tourism Complaints Hotline: 0878-3122439

These contacts can assist you in obtaining necessary support and services during your travel in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture. For more detailed information or other inquiries, please contact the relevant departments directly or call the provided numbers.