Honghe Useful Numbers

Here is the organized table of contact information for tourist consultation services and commonly used hotlines in Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province:

Honghe Prefecture Tourist Consultation Services

No. Location Hotline
1 Honghe Prefecture (市级) 0873-3055376
2 Mengzi City (蒙自市) 0873-3723788
3 Gejiu City (个旧市) 0873-2123204
4 Kaiyuan City (开远市) 0873-7129894
5 Mile City (弥勒市) 0873-3065651
6 Luxi County (泸西县) 0873-6621343
7 Jianshui County (建水县) 0873-7616880
8 Shiping County (石屏县) 0873-3064580
9 Honghe County (红河县) 0873-4621450
10 Yuanyang County (元阳县) 0873-5642274
11 Lvchun County (绿春县) 0873-4220950
12 Jinping County (金平县) 0873-5228990
13 Hekou County (河口县) 0873-3425399
14 Pingbian County (屏边县) 0873-3046003

Honghe Prefecture Commonly Used Hotlines

Service Category Hotline
Emergency Services
Police (非警台) 110
Fire (火警台) 119
Medical Emergency (医疗急救台) 120
Traffic Accident (交通事故报警台) 122
Maritime Rescue (水上求救) 12395
Non-Emergency Assistance (非紧急救助中心) 12345
Duty Crime Reporting (职务犯罪举报) 12309
Weather Forecast (天气预报) 12121
Time Check (报时台) 12117
Power Supply (供电服务热线) 95598
Labor Protection Policy Consultation (劳保政策咨询) 12333
Complaint Reporting
Consumer Complaints (消费者投诉热线) 12315
Price Complaints (价格投诉热线) 12358
Quality Complaints (质量投诉) 12365
Environmental Complaints (环保投诉) 12369
Tax Complaints (税务投诉) 12366
Public Health Supervision (公共卫生监督) 12320
Telecommunications Complaints (电信投诉) 12300
Legal Aid (法律援助) 12351
Women’s Rights (妇女维权) 12338
Migrant Workers’ Rights (民工维权) 12333
Railway and Aviation
Railways (铁路) 12306
China Eastern Airlines (东航) 95530
China Southern Airlines (南航) 4006695539
Hainan Airlines (海航) 950718
China Airlines (中国航空) 4008100999
Air China (国航) 4008100999
Shenzhen Airlines (深航) 4008895080
Xiamen Airlines (厦航) 95557
Shandong Airlines (山航) 4006096777
Express Delivery Services
Shentong Express (申通快递) 4008895543
EMS (EMS) 4008100999
SF Express (顺丰速运) 400-811-1111
YTO Express (圆通速递) 021-69777888
ZTO Express (中通速递) 021-39777777
Yunda Express (韵达快递) 021-39207888
Tiantian Express (天天快递) 021-67662333
Huitong Express (汇通快运) 021-62963636
Suer Express (速尔快递) 4008822168
Debang Logistics (德邦物流) 4008305555
ZJS Express (宅急送) 4006789000
China Railway Express (中铁快运) 95572
Xinfeihong Express (鑫飞鸿快递) 021-69781999
UPS 4008208388
FedEx 4008861888
Telecommunications Services
China Mobile (中国移动) 10086
China Unicom (中国联通) 10010
China Telecom (中国电信) 10000
China Netcom (中国网通) 10060
China Tietong (中国铁通) 10050
China Post (中国邮政) 11185
Directory Enquiries (查号台) 114
Mobile Info Inquiry (移动信息查询) 12580
Unicom 114 (联通114) 116114
Telecom 114 (电信114) 118114
Telephone Fault Reporting (电话障碍申告台) 112
China Telecom IP Access Number (中国电信IP接入号) 17900
China Unicom IP Access Number (联通IP接入号) 17910
China Mobile IP Access Number (移动IP接入号) 17951
China Netcom IP Access Number (网通IP接入号) 17960
China Tietong IP Access Number (铁通IP接入号) 17990
Unicom Long Distance Access Number (联通长途接入号) 193
Netcom Long Distance Access Number (网通长途接入号) 196
Tietong Long Distance Access Number (铁通长途接入号) 068
Banking and Insurance
ICBC (工商银行) 95588
Construction Bank (建设银行) 95533
Agricultural Bank (农业银行) 95599
Bank of China (中国银行) 95566
Traffic Bank (交通银行) 95559
Pudong Development Bank (浦发银行) 95528
Minsheng Bank (民生银行) 95568
Industrial Bank (兴业银行) 95561
CITIC Bank (中信银行) 95558
China Development Bank (深圳发展银行) 95501
Huaxia Bank (华夏银行) 95577
Merchants Bank (招商银行) 95555
Guangfa Bank (广发银行) 95508
Everbright Bank (光大银行) 95595
China Life Insurance (中国人保) 95518
China Life (中国人寿) 95519
Pacific Insurance (太平洋保险) 95500
Ping An Life Insurance (平安人寿保险) 95511
Ping An Property Insurance (平安财产保险) 95512
New China Life Insurance (新华人寿保险) 95567
Medical Insurance Inquiry (医疗保险查询) 96102
Taikang Life Insurance (泰康人寿保险) 95522
Online Shopping
Taobao (淘宝网) 0571-88158198
Jingdong Mall (京东商城) 4006065500
Dangdang.com (当当网) 4007116699
Excellence Network (卓越网) 4008105666
Pat Network (拍拍网) 0755-83762288
Vanke Sincere (凡客诚品) 4006006888
Pulling Network (拉手网) 4000517317
Meituan (美团) 4006605335
24 Coupons (24券) 4006662424
Nuomi Network (糯米网) 4006500117
Full Seat Network (满座网) 4006858666
Nest Team (窝窝团) 4001015555
After-sales Service
Apple (苹果) 4006272273
Nokia (诺基亚) 4008800123
Samsung (三星) 4008105858
Motorola (摩托罗拉) 8008105050
Sony (索爱) 4008100000
Lenovo (联想) 8008108888
Dell (戴尔) 8008580888
Philips (飞利浦) 8008201201
Panasonic (松下) 8008100781
Toshiba (东芝) 8008108208
TCL (TCL) 4008123456
Takeout Ordering
McDonald’s (麦当劳) 4008517517
KFC (肯德基) 4008823823
Pizza Hut (必胜客) 4008123123
True Kung Fu (真功夫) 4006927927
Car Rental
Shenzhou Car Rental (神州租车) 4006166666
Yihai Car Rental (一嗨租车) 4008886608
Yidao Car Rental (易到租车) 4001111777

This table includes a comprehensive list of contact information for various services in Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province.