Qujing Useful Numbers

Qujing Useful Telephone Numbers introduce numbers of police, fire, ambulance, travel service, time check, weather information, post code check, embassy and consulates, taxi dispatch, airport, railway stations, bus stations, medical service incuding Emergency Services,Transportation Service,Credit Card Hotlines,Courier Service,Taxi Service,Government Offices,General Enquities,Customer Service of Banks,Postcode in Qujing….

Here is the translated table of non-emergency government hotline directory for Qujing City:

No. Hotline Number Hotline Name Service Hours Service Content
1 0874-12345 Qujing City 12345 Government Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 1. Consultation on laws, regulations, policies, etc.; 2. Issues requiring government or public enterprise solutions; 3. Feedback, suggestions, or complaints regarding government and public enterprise staff in terms of work style, quality, efficiency, etc.; 4. Comprehensive queries on public service information.
2 12121 Weather Forecast Inquiry Hotline 24/7 Provides weather forecast information services through voice messages.
3 12305 Postal Consumer Complaints Center Weekdays: 8:30–12:00, 13:00–18:00 Accepts consumer complaints related to postal services, including voice messages outside working hours.
4 12306 Railway Customer Service Hotline 24/7 Provides 24/7 customer service for railway passenger services, including inquiries, complaints, assistance, feedback, and convenience services.
5 12313 Tobacco Market Supervision Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Accepts supervision, reports, complaints, and inquiries regarding tobacco markets within administrative regions.
6 12315 Consumer Complaints Hotline 24/7 Accepts and handles complaints and inquiries related to consumer rights disputes arising from purchasing goods or services for personal consumption needs, agricultural production materials, counterfeit products, and violations of business administration laws and regulations.
7 12317 Poverty Alleviation Supervision Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Handles issues related to precise identification and withdrawal of poverty-stricken households, management, distribution, and misuse of poverty alleviation funds, and provides consultations on poverty alleviation work.
8 12318 Cultural Market Reporting Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Accepts reports and complaints regarding illegal activities in commercial performances, entertainment venues, art sales, internet services, music, games, and animation culture activities.
9 12328 Transportation Service Supervision Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Accepts complaints, reports, information inquiries, and suggestions related to road, waterway, road transport (including urban passenger transport), maritime affairs, rescue, and salvage services.
10 12329 Housing Provident Fund Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Provides consultations on housing provident fund policies, business processing procedures, branches, and contact information. Accepts complaints about violations of the Housing Provident Fund Management Regulations and suggestions on housing provident fund policies or business operations.
11 12331 Food and Drug Consultation Complaint Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Accepts complaints and reports related to food safety during production and operation, and suspected illegal acts in the production, operation, use of medicines, medical devices, and cosmetics.
12 12333 Human Resources and Social Security Telephone Consultation Service Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Provides consultations on laws, regulations, and policies related to human resources and social security, public information queries, personal social security rights inquiries, and labor dispute complaints.
13 12336 Land and Resources Reporting Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Accepts reports on land illegal activities including illegal land use, transfers, destruction of arable land, and mineral resources illegal activities including illegal exploration, mining, illegal approval of exploration rights, mining rights, and illegal transfer of mining rights.
14 12348 Public Legal Service Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Provides legal consultations, mediation assistance for civil disputes, feedback on legal demands, and accepts applications for legal aid to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable parties, uphold judicial justice, and maintain social stability.
15 12350 Safety Production Complaint Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Accepts complaints and reports on illegal and illegal acts related to safety production.
16 12358 Price Reporting Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Accepts reports or complaints from citizens, legal persons, or other organizations on violations of price and fee laws, regulations, rules, and other normative documents.
17 12363 Financial Consumer Rights Protection Complaint Consultation Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Handles complaints and consultations within the statutory responsibilities of the People’s Bank of China in Yunnan Province regarding financial consumers.
18 12365 Quality Complaint Reporting Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Handles complaints, reports, and inquiries regarding violations of consumer rights, sale of counterfeit products, special equipment safety hazards, and provides consultations on quality supervision laws, regulations, standards, certification, accreditation, and metrology.
19 12366 Taxation Service Consultation Complaint Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Provides comprehensive, accurate, and timely tax business consultation services, handles tax-related complaints, inquiries, tax law publicity, satisfaction surveys, and government work feedback.
20 12369 Environmental Protection Complaints Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Accepts reports or complaints related to water pollution, air pollution, solid waste pollution, noise pollution, ecological damage, and other environmental issues.
21 95598 Power Supply Service Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Centralizes handling of customer service requests through remote service channels such as 95598 hotline, online service halls, WeChat public accounts, for electricity-related business, inquiries, complaints, suggestions, reports, praises, power business, fault repairs, etc.
22 96119 Fire Hazard Reporting Complaint Hotline Weekdays: 8:30–11:30, 14:30–17:30 Accepts reports and complaints on fire hazards.

This table provides detailed information on each hotline number, its service name, operating hours, and the types of services it offers in Qujing City, Yunnan Province, China.