Aizuo Aisha Song and Dance Art Festival in Mile City, Honghe

Chinese Name: 弥勒市彝族爱佐与爱莎歌舞艺术节
English Name: Aizuo Aisha Song and Dance Art Festival in Mile City, Honghe
Location: 弥勒市巡检司镇高甸村

The Aizuo Aisha Song and Dance Art Festival in Gaodian Village, Xunjian Town, Maitreya City, is, in fact, the Yi Torch Festival. The authentic Yi Torch Festival usually takes place on the 24th day of the sixth lunar month. The “Aizuo and Aisha” Song and Dance Art Festival, a showcase of intangible cultural heritage, was held at the “Aizuo Aisha” Cultural Square in Gaodian Village under the administration of the Gaodian Village Committee in Xunjian Town, Maitreya City. The event’s theme was to promote the excellent culture of the Yi ethnic group, build the Aizuo Aisha cultural brand, sing the praises of Aizuo Aisha, and construct a harmonious and beautiful Yi community. The agenda included the unveiling ceremony of the Yi Zhe Cultural Gaodian Learning Hall, the opening ceremony of the “Aizuo Aisha” Song and Dance Art Festival, the Yi Torch Festival Bimo Blessing Ceremony, and the Yi Zhe Song and Dance as well as the Yi Zhe Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition.

Every year at this time, various art groups and ethnic artists from places like Kaiyuan City, Huaning County, Xisan Town, Xiyi Town, Wushan Township, and Xunjian bring exciting performances, offering the audience a grand ethnic song and dance feast.

The “Aizuo and Aisha” Song and Dance Art Festival features fantastic performances from both the Axi and Ache ethnic groups. The harmonious integration and exchange of ethnic cultures are evident, with the Axi’s lively performance of “Axi Dancing Under the Moon” and the Ache’s ingenious presentation of the intangible heritage “Ache Women Braiding and Embroidering Horse Tails with Flowers”. The joint performance of “Coming Back with Heart” by eight village committees in the Xunjian Town symbolizes the harmonious coexistence between Ache and Han ethnic groups in Gaodian Town, expressing the shared aspiration to build a beautiful well-off society.