Xiaowan Town Climate

Xiaowan Town is a summer resort. With an altitude of 987 meters to 2804 meters, the annual average temperature is 16.5℃, the annual average rainfall of 1503 mm, long sunshine duration and short frost peroid(the frost-free period is more than 300 days), which belongs to the subtropical climate type. Climate in Xiaowan Town is warm and moderate all the year round. There are many rivers and abundant water source in Xiaowan Town. There are 3.66 million cubic meters of Huangcaoba reservoir(荒草坝水库) and 1.16 million cubic meters of Ganshaba reservoir(干沙坝) at 2600 meters above sea level. Xiaowan Town has dense forest vegetation with the coverage rate of more than 50%. The vegetation is mostly Pinus yunnanensis, Pinus armandi, Quercus, Alnus cremastogyne and so on. 

You can visit to Xiaowan Town all the year round. However, Xiaowan Town is mountainous and the rainfall in summer is more than any other season, it is prone to natural disasters in summer, be careful when traveling there at that time.

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