Dongnong Village of Dongbanshan Mountain in Mengku Town, Lincang

Plan your Lincang Ethnic Villages Tour to Lincang? Visit Dongnong Village of Dongbanshan Mountain in Shuangjiang County, Lincang which is one of the most fascinating ethnic villages in Lincang. Explore the local folk ethnic culture including History, Food and Dining, Clothing, Customs and Traditions, Architecture, Festivals, Crafts, Religion, Language of local ethnic people in Dongnong Village of Dongbanshan Mountain in Shuangjiang County, Lincang.

Chinese Name: 勐库东半山:东弄大寨
English Name: Dongnong Village of Dongbanshan Mountain in Mengku Town, Lincang

Dongnong Village of Dongbanshan Mountain in Mengku Town, Lincang Dongnong village (东弄自然村)belongs to Mengkuhaigong village committee(勐库亥公村委会)of Shuangjiang County(双江县),Lincang City(临沧市).The committee includes the other nine natural villages,only Donglai village(东来村),Dongnong village(东弄村)and Haigong village(亥公村)has the large tea areas. And the tea garden covers an area of 7800 mu,which is extremely high in Mengku(勐库).

Geograghic Location

From Donglai village(东来村),thronghing the highway 214 and you can go to HaiGongDaYaKou(亥公大丫口), then you can see the other village named Dongnong village(东弄大寨),Dongnong village(东弄大寨)consists of 120 households and includes nearly 100 households of Han Nationality and the other households of Lahu Nationality. The distance between the two village is about 100 meters, the Lahu planted the tea trees more than 150 years before the Han came here. There are more than 10 large tea trees which has the girth more than 100cm in Lahu village. And all of them has a long history.


The Lahu moved a large number from Dongnong village(东弄村) in the early of the Republic of China, the rest continued to plant teas. The village of Han has a large scale of Dongnong village(东弄村) and there are several houses built in the late Qing Dynasty which belongs to Li Family. It is said that during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. Wandou Li(李万斗)moved in Dongnong village(东弄村)with his wife and they bought the goods from Lahu and exchanged wih them by wine and vegetables to get foods. So from now on, there are one third of them are surnamed Li. Because of the special peographic location ,the tea trees are planted in a large-scale here. And the Han planted the tea around the village 100 years ago.Because of the convenience of transpotation and the number of the tea, the teas from Dongnong village(东弄村)is very popular in Shuangjiang County(双江县),Lincang City(临沧市)and Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture(西双版纳傣族自治州).

Characteristics of the Tea

The tea of Dongnong village(东弄村)is strong and head, firm and straight, yellow bud body, full of silver sharp ends, tastes bitter and hard-going. The flavor of the tea from Dongbanshan Mountain(东半山) smells better than tastes, but the tea from Xibanshan Mountain(西半山)can be reversed.
Translated by Qiu Meiling/邱美玲
Dongnong Village of Dongbanshan Mountain in Mengku Town, Lincang

Dongnong Village of Dongbanshan Mountain in Mengku Town, Lincang