Weixin County Culture

There are some ethnic minorities living there, and most of them are Miao, Yi and Hui ethnic minorities. And most of them are living in Shuanghe Township. Besdes, there are 3 traditional villages in Weixin county of Zhaotong, and these people enjoy their lives in Weixin county with the Han people.

Traditional village

 There are 3 traditional villages in Weixin county of Zhaotong, which are Houfang Village of Shuanghe Town, Shibazi Village of Gaotian Town and Shuanghe Miao and Yi Ethnic Town.


1.Torch Festival

Every lunar year, on June 24th, the Yi ethnic minority celebrate their national festival—the Torch Festival.

2.Dancing Flower Festival

During the festival, the Miao ethnic minority dressed up to gather in the traditional dancing ground. Young men and women danced in the center of the flower poles.