XishuangBanna Festivals and Events

Xishuangbanna festivals and activities tell you what to do during the festival tour in Xishuangbanna, and they will surely enrich your Yunnan Travel.  It is a place where multi-ethnic groups inhabit. The main minorities are Dai, Hani, Lahu, Yao, Hui, Yi, Miao and Zhuang, etc. Different nationalities create different cultures. Therefore, there are diverse festivals in Xishuangbanna.

Xishuangbanna Festivals

Dai and Hani ethnic minorities constitute the major ethnic population in Xishuangbanna, and they contribute rich diversities to the ethnic culture in Xishuangbanna, including the ethnic festivals and activities. The most well-known ones are Water Splashing Festival of Dai people and Gatangpa Festival of Hani people.

Popular Ethnic Festivals in Xishuangbanna

Festivals by Regions in Xishuangbanna

Jinghong City

Date Festival  Ethnic Minority
Dec 15 of Dai Calendar (November) Loy Krathong Festival Dai Ethnic Minority
April 13 -15 Water Splashing Festival  Dai Ethnic Minority
Feb 6-8 Temaoke Festival Jinuo Ethnic Minority

Menghai County

Date Festival  Ethnic Minority
June 24th of lunar calendar  Grasshopper Festival Hani Ethnic Minority
April 9 -16 Water Splashing Festival Dai Ethnic Minority
Some day during April 9 -16 Ganbai Festival Dai Ethnic Minority
August 15th of lunar calendar New Rice (Xinmijie) Festival  Lahu Ethnic Minority
April 9 -16 Sangkang Festival  Bulang Ethnic Minority
Sept 28-Oct 3 King of Tea Tree Festival Hani Ethnic Minority
Jan 3 Gatangpa Festival Hani Ethnic Minority

Mengla County

Date Festival  Ethnic Minority
December Wotuo Festival Ake Ethnic People
December Etuo Festival Ake Ethnic People
Jan 11-12 Gatangpa Festival Aka Ethnic People
April 10-16 Water Splashing Festival Dai Ethnic Minority
Late December Magele Festival  Kemu Ethnic People
Feb 8th of lunar calendar Baishijia Festival Yi Ethnic Minority
October 16th of lunar calendar Panwang Festival Yao Ethnic Minority
June 23 Zhuzhu Festival Yao Ethnic Minority
First market date after Spring Festival Guniangjie (Girls Street) Festival Yao Ethnic Minority

Other Traditional Ethnic Festivals

Date Festival  Ethnic Minority
April 13-17 Worship of Tea Ancestor Festival  Bulang Ethnic Minority
Mid June -Sept of lunar calendar Guanmen (Closing Door) Festival Bulang Ethnic Minority
10days after Qingming Festival Spring Festival (Xinnian) Festival Bulang Ethnic Minority
April 13-15 Hounan Festival Bulang Ethnic Minority
August or September of lunar calendar Haoxizao Festival  Jinuo Ethni Minority
June 16th of lunar calendar Getang Festival  Yao Ethnic Minority
June 16th of lunar calendar  Daogao Festival Yao Ethnic Minority
May 29th of lunar calendar Zhangrou Daike Festival  Yao Ethnic Minority
August of lunar calendar New Rice Festival (Xinmijie)  Hani Ethnic Minority
October of lunar calendar Zhalete Festival  Hani Ethnic Minority
Feb 1st of lunar calendar Ganniao Festival Yao Ethnic Minority
Jan 1st of lunar calendar Spring Festival  Yao Ethnic Minority
/ Coming-of-Age Ceremony Festival Jinuo Ethni Minority

Activities in Xishuangbanna

Diverse ethnic festivals also contribute to the various activities in Xishuangbanna. For your Xishuangbanna Festival Tours, you can join in the activities such as water splashing and dancing with local ethnic people, go to the rural markets and pick teas at the tea plantations.

Festival Activities

Activity Location  Theme
Water Splashing Festival Thoughout Xishuangbanna Water splashing, flower floats parade
Ganbai Festival Designated sites such as Manting Park, Gaozhuang Xishuangjing, Gasa Town Festival fair
King of Tea Tree Festival Menghai Tea-tasting, tea processing craft, tea-themed food culture
Kaimen (Opening Door ) Festival Dai villages Dai temple fair
Guanmen (Closing Door) Festival  Dai villages Dai religion activity
Xishuangbanna Border Trade and Tourism Fair International Exhibition Center in Jinghong City Border Trade and Tourism

Local Ethnic Markets

Date  Activity Theme
Every Thursday Xiding Thursday Market in Menghai County Farm products, local specialties
Every Saturday Menghun Saturday Market in Menghai County Farm products, local specialties
Every Sunday Menghai Sunday Market Farm products, local specialties
Every Morning Ganlanba Morning Market Farm products, local specialties

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