XishuangBanna Overview

Xishuangbanna Overview will give you a comprehensive understanding of  Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture including the basic information, geographical location, climate and so on.

Basic Information


Xishuangbanna is a flat dam surrounded by mountains. It is located at the southernmost point of Yunnan province and connected with Laos and Myanmar by mountains and rivers, sharing a boundary of 966 kilometers (619 miles) with Burma and Laos in the east, south and west, being a vital pass from China to Indo-China Peninsular by land. It is also close to Thailand and Vietnam. The region sits at a lower altitude than most of Yunnan, and borders closely on tropical climate.

Climate and Weather

Xishuangbanna is one of the few places in Yunnan Province where there is no winter. In the coldest January, the average temperature here is 16℃, while in the hottest days, the average temperature is only 28℃. Such warm temperatures make Xishuangbanna a place where snow has never been seen and a place that enjoys plenty of sunshine. Xishuangbanna has only two seasons in a year: dry season and rainy season.

  • Rainy Season: The rainy season lasts for 5 monthes from June to late October, and the precipitation accounted for more than 80% of the annual precipitation. However, scattered showers take up certain amount in the rainy days, so people can still enjoy the sunshine during the wet season.
  • Dry Season: The dry season is from November to the late May of the next year. Dry season enjoy most of the sunny days in the year around and is the favored time for tourists to travel in Xishuangbanna for escaping the cold.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Xishuangbanna is during the dry season (from November to April), when the weather is agreeable and the temperature is mild. Dry season is also the peak travel time of Xishuangbanna, especially April, for the Water Splashing Festival is celebrated in April. If you would like to taste the various tropical fruit here, traveling during the rainy period from June to September is a good choice.

Administrative Division

Xishuangbanna administrative division gives you information about places to visit during Yunnan Travel. Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture has jurisdiction over one county-level city and two counties: Jinghong City, Menghai County and Mengla County. The prefectural seat is located in Jinghong City.

Xishuangbanna History

According to a Dai legend, Xishuangbanna was discovered several thousand years ago by hunters chasing a golden deer. In Chinese historical records, the Dai people are mentioned as long ago as the Western Han Dynasty (second century BC). During the first and second centuries AD, Dai chieftains sent tribute missions to the Chinese capital at Luoyang, but the area’s remoteness limited further ties. In the eighth century, Dali, in north central Yunnan became the capital of Nanzhao, an independent state ruled by the Bai minority people.

More about History of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture.

Xishuangbanna Culture

Xishuangbanna Ethnic Culture is diverse and colorful. It is a place where multi-ethnic groups inhabit. Different nationalities create different cultures. Xishuangbanna boasts amazing Dai culture, profound Puer tea culture, and cultures of other ethic groups, etc. All these will make Yunnan Travel more attractive and productive. Xishuangbanna is rich in nature, historical and cultural resources, noted for its folklore, rain forests, rare plants, and wildlife.

More about Xishuangbanna Culture.

Xishuangbanna Transportation

Xishuangbanna transportation mainly relies on air plane and long-distance bus, connecting to major cities such as BeijingShanghaiGuangzhou Xi'an, and Zhengzhou, etc. It has convenient air transportation to cities in Yunnan province such as Kunming, DaliLijiang and Shangri-la. Three bus stations in Jinghong city offer long-distance buses to major cities in Yunnan province and suburban buses to nearby counties and towns.

Moreover, it has waterway transportation to Laos, Myanmar and Thailand. Xishuangbanna is located at the utmost southeast part of China. It is not only the major passageway and base to Southeast Asia and south Asia, but a window of Yunnan province opened to the world.

More about Xishuangbanna Transportation.

Things to Do in Xishuangbanna

Xishuangbanna is definitely a famous tourist destination especially renowned among China domestic tourists. You can enjoy the tropical rain forest scenery, explore ethnic culture, Puer tea culture, taste local Dai food and Watch ethnic culture shows through joining our Xishuangbanna Tours. It offers wide range of choices such as Xishuangbanna Tea Culture Tours, Xishuangbanna Ethnic Culture Tours, Xishuangbanna Tropical Forest Tours, Xishuangbanna Cycling Tours or Xishuangbanna Cruise Tours.

Xishuangbanna Attractions mainly include Menglun Tropical Botanical Garden, Manfeilong Pagodas (Tanuozhuanglong), Jingzhen Pavilion, Wild Elephant Gully and Dai people's village at Ganlanba. If you are intent to travel to Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Exploration can tailor-make you kind of tour based on your preferences.

Xishuangbanna Economy

With the strong impetus of reform and opening up, the prefecture's economy has shown a rapid development. Both the comprehensive economic strength and the economic and social benefits have achieved a historic leap and the total economic volume has continued to grow. In 2018, the gross output of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture was 41,778.84 million yuan, up 8.1%. Among which, the added value of the primary industry was 10,208.9 million yuan, up 6.4%. The added value of the secondary industry was 11,432.6 million yuan, up 7.3%. The added value of the tertiary industry was 201,373.4 million yuan, up 9.3%. The added value of the primary industry accounted for 24.4% of GDP, the added value of the secondary industry accounted for 27.4%, and the added value of the tertiary industry accounted for 48.2%. Per capita GDP was 35,286 yuan, up 7.3%. The added value of the non-public sector was 19,829.21 million yuan, up 8.9%, accounting for 47.5% of GDP, up 0.4 percentage points.

Natural Resources in Xishuangbanna

Mineral Resources

Mineral resources in Xishuangbanna include rock salt, iron, copper, manganese, cobalt, rare earth, lignite, oil shale, lead, zinc, mercury, tungsten, gold, kaolin and other minerals. 118 million tons of Iron ore reserves are distributed in Jiangfeng, Huimin, Damenglong, Manyang of Jinghong City, Xinshan in Mengla County, Xiding, Manlai and Jiliang in Menghai County. 25 billion tons of salt reserves with a salt-bearing area of 548 square kilometers are mainly distributed in Mengban, Shang Yong, Moxie and other places in the eastern part of Mengla County. 14.5 million tons of coal reserves are mainly distributed in Dahegou, Manyang, Menggang and Mengxiang of Menghai County, Mengyang, Puwen, Jingne, Mengyuan and Shang Yong of Mengla County of Jinghong City. The copper mine has a reserve of 10,530 tons and is mainly located in Sandashan, Damenglong, Yao District, Mengla County, Yi Wu, Xiangming and other places in Jinghong City. Lead and zinc mines are mainly distributed in Sankezhuan, Mengban and Jiuhao of Menghai County, Mengling Mountain of Jinghong City, Zhuguo River, Yitian and Mankang of Mengla County.

Water Resources

The amount of surface water resources in Xishuangbanna can be divided into three parts: first, the amount of water flows through the Lancang River mainstream, with a total runoff of 55.52 billion cubic meters; Second, rivers originating from abroad flow into the territory of Xishuangbanna, with a total volume of 2.36 billion cubic meters; the third is surface water generated by rainfall in the prefecture, with a total volume of 11.92 billion cubic meters. The total amount of water flowing out of Xishuangbanna reaches 69.5 billion cubic meters. The total amount of groundwater resources reached 2.252 billion cubic meters. Xishuangbanna has a theoretical reserve of 5.9223 million kilowatts of hydropower, with an annual generating capacity of 46.3 billion kilowatts. Xishuangbanna has 8 major rivers including Lancang River, Puwen River, Buyuan River, Liusha River, Na’a River, Nanla River, Nanlan River and Nanguo River.

Biological Resources

Xishuangbanna boasts the most well-preserved area of China's tropical ecosystem, with a forest area of 1.516 million hectares. There are 6 national nature reserves of 4.02 million mu in Mengyang, Mengla, Menglun, Shang Yong, Mangao and Naban River basins, of which 700,000 mu are well-protected virgin forests with more than 5,000 species of higher plants, 153 species of which are endemic, such as Wangtianshu, Banna Greengage and Yunnan Peanut Crown. 134 species of endangered plants, such as Southwest Purple Micro, Tieli Wood, Yunnan Gmelina, Yunnan Mayterus Hookeri Loes, etc. A large number of plant species grow alternately, forming a complex and diverse vegetation landscape such as tropical rain forest, tropical monsoon forest, subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, moss evergreen broad-leaved forest, coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest, bamboo-wood mixed forest, shrub forest, etc. There are 1724 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines in Xishuangbanna, and more than 500 kinds have been identified.

Nature Reserves in Xishuangbanna

Category Name
National Nature Reserve Xishuangbanna Naban River Basins National Nature Reserve Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve of Yunnan Province
National Forest Park Xishuangbanna National Forest Park of Yunnan Province
National Park Xishuangbanna Tropical Rain Forest National Park
Xishuangbanna Prefectural Nature Reserve Yiwu Prefectural Nature Reserve Municipal Turtle and Gyrinocheilus Nature Reserve of Lancang-Mekong River
Xishuangbanna Prefectural Nature Reserve Jinghong Bulong Municipal  Nature Reserve  Municipal Fish Nature Reserve of Luosuo River

Regional Overviews

XishuangBanna Useful Numbers

XishuangBanna Useful Numbers

Here is the translated organized content based on the table provided: Social Assistance Hotline in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture No. Location Hotline 1 Xishuangbanna Prefecture (州级) 0691-2126711 2 County...

Overview    Veiw
XishuangBanna Geography

XishuangBanna Geography

Xishuangbanna is located between 21°10′ to 22°40′ N latitude and 99°55′ to 101°50′ E longitude, at the northern edge of the tropics south of the Tropic of Cancer. It...

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XishuangBanna Economy

XishuangBanna Economy

Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, located in the southern part of Yunnan Province, China, is renowned for its unique culture, biodiversity, and economic activities. Here’s an overview of the economy...

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People and Population in XishuangBanna

People and Population in XishuangBanna

Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, located in southern Yunnan Province, China, is known for its rich cultural diversity and vibrant ethnic tapestry. Here’s an overview of the people and population...

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Tribes of Bulang and Hani Ethnic Minorities in XishuangBanna

Tribes of Bulang and Hani Ethnic Minorities in XishuangBanna

西双版纳州已确定归属的曼咪人、昆格人、阿克人、补过人、排角人的情况     (一)归属布朗族的曼咪人、昆格人     1、曼咪人     曼咪人过去自称为“曼咪族”,1958年民族工作组进行民族识别后归属布朗族。曼咪人主要居住在景洪市允景洪街道办事处曼戈龙村委会的小曼咪、大曼咪、江头、曼迈村委会曼咪寨,共219户904人。曼咪人有自己的语言,属南亚语系孟高棉语族佤德昂语支。曼咪人的住房、服饰、宗教信仰、节日与傣族一样,由于与傣族长期交往,大人小孩都能讲一口流利的傣语。     2、昆格人      昆格人自称“忽”, 相传“忽”人在迁徙过程中,大部分人渡过澜沧江到了泰国,少部分人为了等螃蟹煮熟而耽搁下来,傣族因此称之为“昆格” ,即“遗留的人”之意。后来,“忽”人也就称自己为“昆格”。昆格人分布在勐养镇昆格村委会的纳回帕、纳板、曼蚌汤等7个村民小组,共338户1656人。1982年第三次人口普查后,昆格人归属为布朗族。昆格人有自己的语言,属南亚语系孟高棉语族佤德昂语支,住房为干栏式,有自己的服饰,信仰原始宗教。     昆格人过去要过龙列节、龙恩节。龙列节即打铁节,时间在阳历二月,过节时要杀牛、烧篝火、祭祖。     (二)归属哈尼族的阿克人、补过人、排角人     1、阿克人     阿克人分布在景洪市的景洪镇、勐罕镇、勐龙镇、勐海县的布朗山乡、勐腊县的勐仑镇,共21个村寨,约6000多人。阿克人自称“过克”,阿克是汉族对他们的称呼。阿克人住房为杆栏式,语言与哈尼语相似,能与哈尼族进行交流。男子服饰也与哈尼族相似,妇女服饰差异较大。妇女上穿无领的通肩袖短上衣,袖口和衣服的下端用花布花辫缝在上面。下着自制青布长裙(勐腊的也穿长裤),上半截织有红、白、绿各色横条花纹,小腿缠有花纹装饰的护腿布。阿克人12月过“窝托节”(舂粑粑节)、2月过“耶列节”(汤圆节),有上新房习俗,信仰原始宗教。第四次人口普查后,我州阿克人确定归属为哈尼族。     2、补过人     补过人集中居住在勐腊县勐腊镇城子村委会的曼帕村、补过村、曼龙代村委会曼回村、勐捧镇温泉村委会南泥小组,共有181户883人,其中曼帕村74户373人,补过村58户267人,曼回村15户61人,南泥小组34户182人。补过人自称“龙比”,补过是傣族对龙比的称呼。补过人的住房为杆栏式,妇女穿傣装。信仰南传上座部佛教,建有佛寺,男孩入寺为僧。补过人无文字,学习傣文书写佛经,男子也纹身,与傣族一样过泼水节、关门节、开门节。补过男子名字为岩××。女子名字为玉××,结婚后男子叫波××,女子叫咪××。1990年后,我州补过人确定归属为哈尼族。     3、排角人     排角人居住在勐腊县勐伴镇勐伴村委会曼冈村,有41户175人。排角人自称“出说”,意为“舒服”,排角是汉族对出说的称呼,因排角人头饰以黑布扎成弯牛角状,故称“排角”,现对外也称自己为排角人。排角人无文字,信仰原始宗教,每年1月都要立寨门、过新米节。过去行父子联名制。排角人有本民族的名字,也有汉族名字、傣族名字。一个排角人一般有三个名字或两个名字。现我州排角人归为哈尼族。...

Bulang Ethnic Minority    Veiw
History of Jinghong

History of Jinghong

The town was founded as Chiang Hung (Cheli), by Tai king Phanya Coeng in 1180. Yuan Dynasty During the Mongol Yuan Dynasty in China, the Tai kingdom of Sipsongpanna...

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Jinghong City Culture

Jinghong City Culture

Jinghong has a unique set of pattra-leaf culture and dance culture Jinuo,Hani inspired folk songs and so on. In Jinghong city of Dai, Dai slow wheel pottery techniques, Dai...

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Menghai County History

Menghai County History

Menghai belong to the Yizhou County in Western Han Dynasty, to the Yongcang County in Eastern Han Dynasty, to Yishengjiedu in Tang Dynasty (Nan Zhao), and to Chelidi in Later Jin Dynasty (Dali).  In the seventh year of Song Dynasty Chun Xi (1180), Payazhen became the owner of Mengle, and built the Jinglong Hall, Menghai County had become one part of Xishuangbanna. People of all nationalities in Menghai got on well with each other, and unite in a common struggle against the enemy, had fought off the Myanmar army’s attack for several times, and supported the expeditionary army during the period of the war of resistance against Japan, safeguarding the national sovereignty and territorial integrity. In February 1950, Menghai was liberated, and people of all nationalities became the masters of their own. In 1990, grain yield reached 125.41 million, becoming the grain production base county of the county; the total industrial output value reached 45.59 million Yuan, tea production, education, sanitation, and technology has made significant progress; the road transportation received a rapid development, till recently, there are 2 national roads with the length of 173 kilometers, 9 County level roads with the length of 258 kilometers, 73 country roads with the length of 672 kilometers, and 12 special roads with the length of 99 kilometers. Being the end of the No. 214 national road and the Kun Luo road, Daluo is a provincial port, the important channel to Myanmar, and it is also one of the hot places of border tourism. The Jingzhen octagonal pavilion listed at national level protection unit, the Manduan Buddhist temple is a provincial heritage conservation unit, besides theses two, the King of the tea tree in Bada is also the tourist attraction which the tourists will not miss.       The western line of Menghai tourism is one of the two sub centers, three travel areas and five main tourism lines in Xishuangbanna tourism area, featuring border tourism, cross-border tourism and tea culture tourism. In recent years, the comprehensive industrial system of Menghai tourism industry has been basically completed, with the strengthening of tourism infrastructure construction and international polarization and promotion, the increasingly regulation of the tourism market and the rapid development of the tourism industry, the tourism industry has played a more and more important role in the national economy of Menghai County, with the increasingly expand of the scale, tourism industry has become one of the key industries of Menghai County.       Up to 2006, 3 tourist attractions have been constructed in the County, among which, one is national 3 A level tourist attraction (Daluo Mengjinglai scenic spot), and the other two are national 2 A level tourist attraction (Jingzhen octagonal pavilion scenic spot and Daluo Single -Tree forest scenic spot), the under construction Xishuangbanna Sunshine Tea Culture Technology Park Yun Cha Yuan tourist attraction is a tea culture tourist attraction built according to the standard of national 4 A level tourist attraction, and will be opened on trial within 2007 after the completion of the first period project; there are 41 hotels (restaurants), with 2100 beds in total, among which, two are national two-star hotels (Daluo Yaxue Hotel and Daluo Orlane Hotel); 8 tourist reception restaurants which can manage the dining of 4000 people at the same time; personnel engaged in tourism reached more than 1100, and the Menghai tourism industry has basically developed into a comprehensive industrial system. From 1994 to 2006, Menghai County has received tourists 9.4899 million person-times (including outbound tourists 7.9026 million person-times), making tourism revenue of 2.48 billion Yuan....

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Menghai County Culture

Menghai County Culture

Menghai County Culture...

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Mengla County History

Mengla County History

勐腊”系傣语,“勐”意为平坝或地区,“腊”意为“茶”,“茶水”即“献茶水之地”。传说释迦牟尼巡游到此时,人们献很多茶水,喝不完的倒在河里,此河名“南腊”,即“茶水河”,“勐腊”因以得名。 勐腊在西汉时属益州郡哀牢地。东汉属永昌郡鸠僚地。 隋朝属濮部。唐南诏时属银生节度。 宋代属景陇王国。宋淳熙七年(1180年),归属傣族首领帕雅真。 元代属彻里路军民总管府。明清属车里宣慰使司。 明隆庆四年(1570年),车里宣慰司将其辖区划分为十二版纳,勐腊县境内勐腊、勐伴为一版纳,勐捧、勐润、勐满为一版纳,整董、倚邦、易武为一版纳。 勐腊县地图 清雍正七年(1729)置勐腊土把总。 1913年属普思沿边行政总局第五区(勐腊),第六区(易武)行政分局。1927年第五区改置镇越县,第六区改置象明县。1929年象明县并入镇越县,属普洱道。 1949年11月6日解放,成立镇越县人民政府,隶属宁洱专区。1953年撤销镇越县,置版纳易武、版纳勐腊、版纳勐捧和易武瑶族自治区,属西双版纳自治区(州)。1957年并为易武、勐腊两个县级版纳。1958年并为易武县,1959年改名勐腊县。   2002年3月22日,云南省人民政府批准:撤销勐腊县勐腊乡、勐腊镇,设立勐腊镇,镇政府驻原勐腊乡政府驻地曼列村,将原勐腊乡景飘行政村毛草山、桃子箐、纳秀3个村民小组划归勐伴镇会落行政村管辖。 2004年9月30日,云南省人民政府批准:撤销曼腊彝族瑶族乡、勐润哈尼族乡,原曼腊彝族瑶族乡管辖的行政区域划归易武乡管辖,原勐润哈尼族乡管辖的行政区域划归勐捧镇管辖。...

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Mengla County Culture

Mengla County Culture

勐腊镇是一个傣、哈尼、瑶等多民族和谐相处的综合性乡镇,世居民族主要以傣族为主。 宗教信仰 傣族笃信南传上座部佛教。佛寺的吸引力在于宽松的戒律,剃光头而不烧戒,还俗后可以结婚。在傣族人的传统观念中,认为男人一生非得过一段脱离家庭的宗教生活,成为受过教化的人,才有资格结婚娶妻。送孩子入寺为僧是件大事,需举行隆重的入寺仪式。孩子一旦踏入佛门,便吃住在寺庙,每天诵经习文,学习各种功课,不参加社会劳动,靠群众斋赠生活。功课完毕,便可上街访友探亲,但不在外过夜。 传统节日 傣族的传统节日有泼水节、关门节、开门节等,泼水节是傣族最为隆重的节日,是傣族的傣历新年节,为期三至四天。到了节日,傣族男女老少就穿上节日盛装,挑着清水,先到佛寺浴佛,然后就开始互相泼水,除泼水外,还有赶摆、赛龙舟、浴佛、诵经、章哈演唱、斗鸡、跳舞、丢包、放高升、放孔明灯等民俗活动以及其他艺术表演、经贸交流等。 爱尼的“嘎汤帕节”是勐腊镇的一个盛典节日,爱尼是哈尼族的一个支系,在西双版纳一带自称爱尼。每年的1月2-4日,是爱尼人一年一度的“嘎汤帕节”,节日是爱尼人思念祖先,弃旧迎新,家人团圆的喜庆节日,节日期间,男女青年穿上最漂亮的盛装,欢歌载舞,或相约上山采鲜花,摘野果,射弩,打陀螺等。...

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History of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture

History of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture

According to a Dai legend, Xishuangbanna was discovered several thousand years ago by hunters chasing a golden deer. In Chinese historical records, the Dai people are mentioned as long...

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