Jinghong City Culture

Jinghong has a unique set of pattra-leaf culture and dance culture Jinuo,Hani inspired folk songs and so on. In Jinghong city of Dai, Dai slow wheel pottery techniques, Dai water-splashing Festival, JINO encouraged by the Ministry of culture approved as a national intangible cultural heritage(国家非物质文化遗产).

1.Pattra-leaf culture贝叶文化

Pattra-leaf culture is a symbolic reference of the Dai nationality’s traditional culture. It is called “pattra-leaf culture”, because it is preserved in Palm-leaf made of palm leaves by this name. Pattra-leaf culture including Palm leaves, cotton paper book of Scripture and survived in folk thing as three aspects of traditional culture. Palm-leaf Scripture is “of pattra-leaf culture” in the most ancient and the most important part is “of pattra-leaf culture” the main carrier, it can be said is the root of culture. Pattra-leaf culture of this, including leaf-and paper-two styles. Is leaf-shaped kind of palm-leaf Scripture, Dai said “tanlan”. It is made of civil stylus writing the text in a special “Bailen” (Palm-leaf leaves). Specification page four-row, five-, six-and eight-line four, Dai said: LAN play, lanha, lanhe, blue, three specifications of Bayesian before the most common. A lot of Buddhist scriptures, Buddhist scriptures, the Dai folk stories, myth and legends, are recorded in the bay leaf. Paper is a paper book, Dai said “thin GA la Sha”. It is wild fern bar after cutting into the pen with ink written on top of the tissue paper together.

2.Dai Manlun ceramic technology傣族慢轮制陶技艺

Dai pottery main wheel(转轮), wood(木拍), bamboo(竹刮), stone balls (石球)and other scratch and main technology processes include the Chung Hom Kok, sieve, mixed with sand and water, installation of turntable, performing, playing, and dry and ready toburn pottery, pottery and other sectors, the production of pottery can be classified by their use of appliances, building materials, danfo appliances, and so on.

Dai experienced stress of pottery in the use of materials, mainly clay and aggregate to improve performance. Roasting also has its own characteristics,including the open baking and roasting methods such as closed and. Slab method presents a variety of characteristics, there is no wheel blank, toetouch slowly round, hand pulling the wheel, and so on. These ancient ceramics, still use for Dai heritage.