Beiying Mosque in Xundian County, Kunming

Location and Origins

Beiying Mosque(寻甸县北营清真寺) is located on Beiying Street in Rende Town, Xundian County. It was originally built at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, with its initial site in the old county city. During the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, the original mosque was dismantled and relocated to the new county city, at its current location.

Historical Challenges and Reconstruction

In the early years of the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty, the mosque suffered repeated destruction by government forces during the suppression of Du Wenxiu’s uprising. During the Guangxu period, the mosque was in danger of collapsing. Local gentry such as Zhang Lianfang initiated fundraising efforts among Muslims within and outside the county for reconstruction. The mosque was dismantled and rebuilt in the 22nd year of Guangxu (1896) and completed in the 28th year (1902).

Architectural Layout

The mosque’s front courtyard includes three hall rooms and three side rooms on the north and south sides. The rear courtyard has four side rooms on both the north and south sides, with five worship halls in the back section. There are also ten rooms used as kitchens and ablution facilities for men and women. The architectural style is simple and traditional, commonly referred to as the Great Mosque.

Architectural Features

  • Main Prayer Hall: The main prayer hall is characterized by a single-eave gable and hip roof structure, typical of traditional Chinese Islamic architecture.
  • Xuanli Building: This four-cornered pavilion-style structure covers an area of 422 square meters, serving ceremonial and educational purposes within the mosque complex.
  • Layout: The mosque’s layout is meticulously organized, with 23 wooden-structured rooms serving as classrooms and dormitories for religious education and communal activities.

Beiying Mosque in Xundian County, Kunming

Center of Islamic Education

Beiying Mosque has been the center of Islamic education in Xundian. In the 14th year of the Republic of China, the Huai Sheng Zhong Arabic School was established here. During the Republic of China era, patriotic religious organizations such as the Xundian Muslim Progressive Association and the Xundian County Muslim National Salvation Association were based in the mosque.

Contributions of Ma Weihai

The renowned Islamic scholar Ma Weihai (1895-1983) taught at the Huai Sheng Zhong Arabic School for 15 years, training a large number of religious talents.

Recent Developments

After 1958, religious activities were suspended, and the worship hall was repurposed for other uses. Since 1979, the Xundian County government has allocated funds for five renovations of the mosque. Since 2008, the mosque management committee has raised millions of yuan to rebuild seven rooms facing the street and the two side rooms to the south and north. They also constructed two minarets and a dome on the third floor, making the mosque very impressive.

Muslim Travel Tips

For Muslim travelers planning to visit Beiying Mosque:

  1. Prayer Facilities: The mosque provides facilities for daily prayers. Visitors should check prayer times and participate in congregational prayers for a meaningful spiritual experience.
  2. Dress Code: Dress modestly and respectfully when visiting the mosque. Women are encouraged to cover their heads with a scarf, and both men and women should wear attire that reflects respect for the religious setting.
  3. Etiquette: Follow mosque etiquette, such as removing shoes before entering, maintaining quiet during prayers, and respecting the sanctity of the prayer hall and courtyard.
  4. Halal Food: Explore Halal food options in Xundian County. Local restaurants and markets offer a variety of Halal dishes that cater to Muslim dietary requirements.

Getting There

Beiying Mosque is accessible from Kunming and nearby areas by public transportation, taxis, or private vehicles. Plan the visit in advance to account for local transport schedules and routes. Xiao Wumaolin Mosque is located in Shuijian Township, Weishan County, Yunnan Province. It is conveniently accessible via the Guanwei Highway, which passes north of the village, ensuring ease of transportation for visitors.

Muslim Travel Tips

For Muslim travelers planning to visit Xiao Wumaolin Mosque:

  1. Prayer Facilities: The mosque provides facilities for daily prayers. Check prayer times and join congregational prayers for a fulfilling spiritual experience.
  2. Dress Code: Dress modestly and respectfully. Women should cover their heads with a scarf, and both men and women should wear appropriate attire suitable for a religious environment.
  3. Etiquette: Observe mosque etiquette, including removing shoes before entering the prayer hall, maintaining silence during prayers, and respecting the sanctity of the mosque grounds.
  4. Halal Food: Explore Halal food options in Weishan County. Local eateries and markets offer a variety of Halal-certified dishes that cater to Muslim dietary requirements.