Yunnan Festivals By Destinations

Yunnan is the province with the largest population of minorities with 25 of them having more than 5000 members,among them 16 are indigenous. Yunnan ethnic festivals are always fulled with beautiful legends and featured activities to celebrate. In every month, there are festivals held in different areas by different minorities. 

Yunnan Festivals By Destinations

Yunnan Minority Festival Tour

A visit to Yunnan offers an unique and exciting experience of ethnic customs with more than 400 ethnic minorities festivals celebrated throughout the year. Yunnan Exploration offer various minority festival tours for your reference, or customize one for you.

China International Puer Tea Festival

China International Puer Tea Festival

Chinese Name: 中国国际普洱茶节 English Name: China International Puer Tea Festival in Simao District, Puer Location: Since the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods, Pu’er tea has been...

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