Chinese Zodiac-Year of the Dragon

The Dragon is the fifth animal in the Chinese zodiac cycle, symbolizing power, strength, and good fortune. People born in the Year of the Dragon are considered energetic, charismatic, and full of vitality.

Years of the Dragon

The Chinese zodiac operates on a 12-year cycle, with each year corresponding to a different animal sign. The Dragon years are:

  • 1916 (Fire Dragon)
  • 1928 (Earth Dragon)
  • 1940 (Metal Dragon)
  • 1952 (Water Dragon)
  • 1964 (Wood Dragon)
  • 1976 (Fire Dragon)
  • 1988 (Earth Dragon)
  • 2000 (Metal Dragon)
  • 2012 (Water Dragon)
  • 2024 (Wood Dragon)
  • 2036 (Fire Dragon)

Personality Traits

Individuals born in the Year of the Dragon are known for the following characteristics:

  1. Strong and Dynamic: Dragons are powerful and full of energy. They have a natural charisma that attracts others to them.
  2. Confident and Ambitious: They are confident in their abilities and have ambitious goals. Dragons are not afraid to take risks to achieve their dreams.
  3. Charismatic and Magnetic: Dragons have a magnetic personality that draws people towards them. They are often seen as natural leaders.
  4. Passionate and Brave: They are passionate about their interests and brave in the face of challenges. Dragons tackle obstacles with determination.
  5. Energetic and Adventurous: Dragons have boundless energy and a thirst for adventure. They enjoy exploring new ideas and experiences.

Elements and Their Influence

Each Dragon year is associated with one of the five elements, which further influences the characteristics of people born in those years:

  1. Wood Dragon (1964, 2024): Creative, adaptable, and open-minded. They are innovative and enjoy exploring new ideas and opportunities.
  2. Fire Dragon (1916, 1976, 2036): Dynamic, passionate, and charismatic. They have a strong presence and are natural born leaders.
  3. Earth Dragon (1928, 1988): Stable, reliable, and practical. They are grounded and have a strong sense of responsibility and loyalty.
  4. Metal Dragon (1940, 2000): Determined, resilient, and ambitious. They are focused on achieving their goals and have a strong willpower.
  5. Water Dragon (1952, 2012): Intelligent, perceptive, and sensitive. They are intuitive and can adapt well to different situations.

Compatibility with Other Signs

Dragons are believed to be most compatible with Monkeys and Rats, and least compatible with Dogs and Rabbits.

  • Best Matches: Monkey, Rat
  • Worst Matches: Dog, Rabbit

Famous People Born in the Year of the Dragon

Some notable individuals born under the sign of the Dragon include:

  • Bruce Lee (1940) – Martial artist and actor.
  • John Lennon (1940) – Musician and songwriter.
  • Keanu Reeves (1964) – Actor.
  • Sandra Bullock (1964) – Actress.
  • Rihanna (1988) – Singer and actress.
  • Adele (1988) – Singer-songwriter.


The Dragon symbolizes power, strength, and good fortune in the Chinese zodiac. Those born under this sign are known for their charisma, confidence, and natural leadership qualities. Their compatibility and personality traits are influenced by the specific element associated with their birth year, making each Dragon unique. Dragons’ energetic and adventurous spirit, combined with their passion for life and strong determination, often lead them to success in various endeavors.