Nanjian County Culture

Ethnic Groups   

The major ethnic groups are Han, Yi, Hui, Bai, Miao, Lisu, Dai, Hui.

Ethnic Culture

There are many various traditional festivals. Yashen Festival of Yi Ethnic Minority, Dragon Lantern (Longdenghui) Festival of Yi Ethnic Minority.

Traditional Ethnic Villages                        

There are three traditional ethnic villages in Xiangyun County. Heimoju Village of Wuliangshan Town(无量山镇红星村委会黑么苴村), Hujie Village of Baohua Town(宝华镇虎街村委会虎街村), Huijiu Village of Gnglang Town(公郎镇沙乐村委会旧村), Xiangyang Village of Nanjian Town(南涧镇南涧街居委会向阳村), Luobaike Tea Plantation Village of Gonglang Town(南涧县公郎镇罗佰克茶园村), Gaiwasa Yi Ethnic Village of Gonglang Town(公郎镇盖瓦洒彝族特色村寨).