Ninglang County Dining

In Ninglang County, tourists can not only taste Yunnan cuisine, but also typical Naxi cuisine, such as Naxi roast fish, preserved pork ribs, dried pork liver, Lijiang baba, Naxi hotpot, etc. In addition, a variety of Yunnan specialties can be found everywhere, such as Yunnan rice noodles, mushroom hotpot, black goat hotpot, bean jelly, and Erkuai. Here we introduce some of the specialties for you.

1. Dried Pork Liver(吹肝)

The method is to to take the fresh pork liver and blow it up, then make souse and dry it naturally. It is easy to store and can keep for about a year. It's an excellent cold dish.

2. Lugu Lake Sake Wine(泸沽湖清酒)

Lugu lake sake is made of traditional techniques and pure grain. It has been awarded silver prize of "95 China Kunming New Technology & New Product Exhibition" and honored as "Top 10 Credible Wine in the Kunming World Expo", etc.

3. Buckwheat Baba(苦荞粑粑)

The small Liangshan area of Ninglang is rich in Tartary buckwheat. Therefore, Tartary buckwheat is the king of grain in the eyes of Yi people. At present, the buckwheat wine, buckwheat cake and silk noodles are popular among consumers.

4. Tuotuo Meat(坨坨肉)

“Tuotuo” means a big lump. So this dish is to cut the meat into some big pieces and then cook them. It is one of the most representative dishes in Yi people's food culture. 

5. Mosuo Dried Sausage(摩梭米灌肠)

Naxi dried sausage is a special flavor in Lijiang. It is made from pig blood, rice and various spices, mixed together in a certain proportion and then poured into processed pig intestines. When it comes to killing New Year pigs, almost every family of Naxi will make some this kind of sausage.