Money and Banking in Yunnan

In Yunnan, handling money and banking services are relatively straightforward, but it’s essential to be prepared with the right information. Here’s an overview to help you manage your finances while in Yunnan:


  • Currency Used: The official currency in China, including Yunnan, is the Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY), often abbreviated as RMB.
  • Denominations: Yuan is available in both coins (fen) and banknotes (yuan). Commonly used banknotes are 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 yuan.
  • Exchange Rate: The exchange rate fluctuates and can be checked online or at local banks. Major hotels and banks in Yunnan usually offer currency exchange services.

Banking Services

  • Banks: Major Chinese banks like Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), Bank of China (BOC), China Construction Bank (CCB), and Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) have branches in Yunnan.
  • ATMs: ATMs are widely available in cities and larger towns throughout Yunnan. International cards such as Visa, MasterCard, and UnionPay are generally accepted. Look for ATMs displaying international card logos.
  • Credit Cards: Major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) are accepted at upscale hotels, larger stores, and international restaurants. However, smaller shops and local establishments may prefer cash.

Money Exchange

  • Currency Exchange: Exchange foreign currency at authorized banks, hotels, or currency exchange counters. Airport and hotel rates might be less favorable than banks in the city.
  • Exchange Tips: It’s advisable to carry some cash in yuan for smaller establishments and emergencies, especially in rural areas where card acceptance may be limited.

Traveler’s Checks and Banking Hours

  • Traveler’s Checks: While traveler’s checks are less commonly used today, some major banks may still accept them. It’s generally easier to use ATMs for cash withdrawals.
  • Banking Hours: Banks in Yunnan typically operate from Monday to Friday, with hours from around 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Some branches may close for lunch between noon and 2:00 PM. ATMs provide 24/7 access to cash.

Safety Tips

  • Currency Safety: Exercise caution when carrying large amounts of cash and use hotel safes or secure pouches for storage.
  • Banking Security: When using ATMs, be aware of your surroundings, and choose machines in well-lit, populated areas to minimize risk.

Mobile Payments

  • WeChat Pay and Alipay: These mobile payment platforms are widely used in China, including Yunnan. Many shops, restaurants, and even street vendors accept payments via QR codes from these apps.


Understanding the local currency, banking services, and payment methods in Yunnan ensures you can manage your finances effectively during your stay. Always have a mix of payment options, including cash for smaller transactions and emergencies, to make your journey more convenient and enjoyable.