Songming Yanglin Experimental Zone for County & Township Industries

Songming Yanglin Experimental Zone for County & Township Industries, located in Songming County, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China, serves as a pioneering initiative to boost rural industrial development. This experimental zone aims to revitalize county and township economies, foster innovation, and promote sustainable growth through targeted industrial policies and infrastructure support.


Situated in the picturesque Songming County, the Yanglin Experimental Zone enjoys the strategic advantage of being part of Kunming City, Yunnan’s capital. Its location provides easy access to urban markets while preserving the rural charm essential for developing local industries.


Industrial Development

The primary goal of the Yanglin Experimental Zone is to promote the development of county and township industries. It focuses on enhancing industrial competitiveness, fostering innovation in traditional sectors, and integrating modern technologies to create value-added products and services.

Economic Empowerment

By empowering local enterprises and entrepreneurs, the experimental zone aims to uplift rural communities economically. It supports job creation, income generation, and poverty alleviation initiatives through sustainable industrial practices and targeted investment in key sectors.

Jialize Wetland Park in Songming County, Kunming
Jialize Wetland Park in Songming County, Kunming

Key Initiatives

Industry Support Programs

The Yanglin Experimental Zone implements industry-specific support programs tailored to the needs of county and township industries. These initiatives include financial incentives, technological assistance, and marketing support to enhance product quality, market competitiveness, and export potential.

Infrastructure Development

To facilitate industrial growth, the experimental zone invests in infrastructure development, including industrial parks, logistics hubs, and technological innovation centers. These facilities provide essential resources and services for enterprises, fostering a conducive environment for business operations and expansion.

Jialize Wetland Park in Songming County, Kunming
Jialize Wetland Park in Songming County, Kunming

Sector Focus

Agricultural Processing

Given Yunnan’s rich agricultural resources, the Yanglin Experimental Zone prioritizes agricultural processing industries. It encourages value chain development, food processing innovations, and market-oriented strategies to enhance agricultural productivity and profitability.

Cultural Industries

The experimental zone promotes cultural industries, including traditional crafts, cultural tourism, and creative arts, to preserve local heritage, promote cultural diversity, and create employment opportunities in cultural sectors.

Sustainability and Environment

Green Practices

In line with Yunnan’s commitment to environmental sustainability, the Yanglin Experimental Zone advocates green manufacturing practices, energy efficiency, and waste management initiatives. It emphasizes resource conservation and ecological balance to support long-term industrial development.

Eco-Tourism Development

The experimental zone explores eco-tourism opportunities, leveraging Yunnan’s natural landscapes and cultural assets to attract tourists, generate revenue for local communities, and promote sustainable tourism practices that preserve biodiversity and cultural heritage.

Community Engagement

Entrepreneurship and Training

The experimental zone fosters entrepreneurship among local residents through training programs, skill development initiatives, and business incubation centers. It empowers youth and women entrepreneurs, encouraging innovation and economic self-reliance in rural areas.

Cultural Exchange

Promoting cultural exchange programs, festivals, and exhibitions, the Yanglin Experimental Zone celebrates local traditions, enhances cultural awareness, and promotes intercultural dialogue among residents and visitors.


Songming Yanglin Experimental Zone for County & Township Industries exemplifies Yunnan Province’s commitment to rural revitalization, industrial innovation, and sustainable development. By harnessing local strengths, promoting sector-specific growth, and embracing green practices, the experimental zone creates a model for inclusive economic growth, community empowerment, and cultural preservation. Experience the dynamic synergy of industry, innovation, and sustainability at the Yanglin Experimental Zone, where rural aspirations meet urban opportunities in Yunnan’s scenic heartland.