
Feedback from the visitors who come from Indonesia can guide you why to travel with Yunnan Exploration and tell you the real experience they have in Yunnan, which may be helpful for you to take a Yunnan travel.

Dear Cindy, we returned home safely and happily, all of us enjoy the trip, thanks for your arrangement and attention. HOPE to meet you again in another opportunitty!best regards frm UW.

Dear Kelly, 

Overall is good 
     1. The food is suitable with our Indonesian tongue, considering that Indonesian are friendly with Chinese food. 
ps:  it’s good to have our guide around, because we have difficulty in discussing the food with the waitress (for example asking for spicy food, asking for spoon, how to cook….is it boiled or stir with oil etc). 

2. I think Indonesian young traveler like has different “attitude” in enjoying the scene compare to Chinese or other nationality.  We love to feel the atmosphere, the ambiance, look around, talk with local people etc etc. 

Also, it is very important for us to take pictures as many as possible. Maybe it is part of our sharing culture. So every time we finish a holiday, all friends and relatives urge to see as many pictures as possible for their reference.
Thank you Kelly