Fuxian Lake Tourism and Vacation Zone

Fuxian Lake, located in Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, is renowned for its pristine beauty and rich cultural heritage. It offers a diverse range of attractions and activities, making it an ideal destination for tourists seeking both relaxation and adventure.

Natural Beauty

Fuxian Lake is one of the deepest lakes in China, known for its crystal-clear waters and picturesque surroundings. The lake is surrounded by lush green mountains, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere that attracts visitors year-round.

Cherry blossoms at Fuxian Lake Park, Chengjiang county, Yunnan province
Cherry blossoms at Fuxian Lake Park, Chengjiang county, Yunnan province

Cultural Heritage

Ancient Civilizations

Fuxian Lake region has a rich history dating back thousands of years, with evidence of ancient civilizations found in archaeological sites around the lake. These sites offer insights into the cultural and historical significance of the area.

Local Traditions

The local communities around Fuxian Lake have preserved their unique traditions and customs, providing visitors with an opportunity to experience authentic Yunnanese culture through festivals, cuisine, and handicrafts.

Attractions and Activities

Water Sports

Fuxian Lake is perfect for water enthusiasts, offering activities such as swimming, boating, kayaking, and fishing. The clear waters and scenic views provide an unparalleled experience for water sports enthusiasts of all levels.

Nature Exploration

Explore the surrounding mountains and forests through hiking trails that offer stunning panoramic views of the lake and its surroundings. Birdwatching and nature photography are popular activities for wildlife enthusiasts.

Luchong Scenic Area of Fuxian Lake, Yuxi
Luchong Scenic Area of Fuxian Lake, Yuxi

Hot Springs and Wellness

Relax and rejuvenate in natural hot springs located near Fuxian Lake, known for their therapeutic properties. Enjoy spa treatments and wellness therapies amidst the tranquil environment of the lake region.

Ecotourism and Conservation


Fuxian Lake and its surrounding ecosystems support a diverse range of flora and fauna, contributing to the region’s biodiversity. Conservation efforts aim to protect these natural habitats and promote sustainable tourism practices.

Ecological Tours

Join guided tours that focus on ecological conservation and sustainable practices. Learn about local conservation initiatives and participate in activities that contribute to preserving the lake’s natural beauty.

Accommodation and Dining

Resorts and Hotels

Choose from a variety of resorts, hotels, and guesthouses that offer comfortable accommodations with stunning lake views. Experience luxury and hospitality while enjoying the tranquility of Fuxian Lake.

Local Cuisine

Savor authentic Yunnan cuisine featuring fresh local ingredients, including freshwater fish and specialty dishes unique to the region. Explore local markets and restaurants to taste the flavors of Fuxian Lake.


Fuxian Lake Tourism and Vacation Zone offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and recreational activities for visitors seeking an unforgettable experience in Yunnan Province. Whether you’re interested in exploring ancient civilizations, enjoying water sports, or simply relaxing amidst stunning landscapes, Fuxian Lake promises an enriching and memorable travel destination.