Gengma Overseas Chinese Farm in Gengma County, Lincang

Gengma Overseas Chinese Farm(临沧市耿马华侨农场) is located in the southwest border area of China, within the Gengma Dai and Wa Autonomous County, Lincang City, Yunnan Province. Established in March 1958, it has been managed by various bodies including the Yunnan Provincial Agricultural Reclamation Bureau, the Yunnan Production and Construction Corps, and the Yunnan Provincial Government Overseas Chinese Affairs Office.

Location and Geography

  • Distance from Key Locations:
    • 7 kilometers from Gengma Town (county seat)
    • 154 kilometers from Lincang City
    • 583 kilometers from Kunming
  • Total Area: 14.29 square kilometers
  • Arable Land: 14,700 acres
    • Sugarcane: 10,300 acres
    • Fruits: 3,300 acres
    • Forest land: 820 acres
    • Other uses: 260 acres
  • Water Surface: 518 acres
  • Topography: Predominantly hilly terrain with elevation ranging from 1,000 to 1,217 meters
  • Climate:
    • Average annual temperature: 18.8°C
    • Average annual rainfall: 1,323 mm
    • Average annual relative humidity: 78%


  • Total Residents: 4,034
  • Returned Overseas Chinese: 1,154
  • Family Members of Overseas Chinese: 1,446

Key Features

  • Agricultural Production:
    • Dominated by sugarcane and fruit cultivation
    • Additional land used for forestry and other purposes
  • Climate and Geography:
    • The region benefits from a favorable climate and abundant water resources, which are conducive to agricultural production.

Gengma Overseas Chinese Farm exemplifies a well-managed agricultural enterprise that supports a significant number of returned overseas Chinese and their families, leveraging its favorable geographical and climatic conditions to sustain its primary agricultural activities.