How to Drink Yunnan Dianhong Black Tea

Preparation Instructions

The ideal brewing temperature is 90-100ºC (194-215ºF), which is just below the boiling point. You can simply boil the water using a stove-top kettle and then let it cool for 10 seconds or so.Dianhong tea can be brewed in a variety of vessels, preferably ones made from ceramic or purple clay, like a simple gaiwan or a traditional Chinese yixing teapot.

Brewing Instructions

1.Fill both the teapot and the cup about halfway with hot water to pre-heat them. Tilt them a bit so that the water creeps up the side and then rotate them so the insides get wet all the way around. Then pour the water out.

2.Put 1-2 teaspoons of tea leaves into the teapot. If using a different vessel, use 1-2 teaspoons for every 8 oz. (236 ml) of water.

3.Fill the teapot with 90-100ºC (194-215ºF) water.

4.Place the lid on the teapot and let the tea steep for 2 minutes.

5.Pour the tea into the teacups and enjoy your tea!

6.You can get 3-5 infusions out of most varieties. Increase the steeping time 30 seconds for each infusion. How many infusions you do depends entirely on your taste. Experiment.

7.Enjoy a cup a Dianhong tea by yourself or with your friends and family!

How to Drink Yunnan Dianhong Black Tea

Drinking Yunnan Dianhong Black Tea (Yunnan Red Tea) is a delightful experience that can be enjoyed in various ways, depending on your personal preferences and the specific type of Dianhong tea you have. Here are some steps and tips for making and enjoying this exquisite tea:

1. Choosing Your Tea

Select high-quality Yunnan Dianhong Black Tea. Some popular varieties include:

  • Golden Tips (Jin Hao): Known for its golden buds and smooth taste.
  • Broken Yunnan: Stronger flavor, often used in tea bags.
  • Pure Gold (Jin Ya): A premium variety with a high concentration of golden buds.

2. Preparing Your Teaware

  • Teapot or Gaiwan: For a traditional experience, use a Yixing teapot or a porcelain gaiwan.
  • Tea Infuser or Strainer: If using loose leaves in a regular teapot.
  • Teacup: Choose a cup that allows you to appreciate the color and aroma of the tea.

3. Measuring the Tea

Use about 1-2 teaspoons of loose Dianhong tea leaves per 8 ounces (240 ml) of water. Adjust the amount based on your taste preference and the specific tea variety.

4. Heating the Water

  • Temperature: Heat fresh, filtered water to around 200-212°F (93-100°C). Boiling water is suitable for most black teas, including Dianhong.

5. Rinsing the Leaves (Optional)

To enhance the flavor, you can rinse the tea leaves briefly:

  • Pour hot water over the leaves and immediately discard the water.
  • This step helps to “wake up” the leaves and remove any dust.

6. Brewing the Tea

  • First Steep: Pour hot water over the tea leaves and let it steep for 2-3 minutes.
  • Subsequent Steeps: Yunnan Dianhong tea can be steeped multiple times. Increase the steeping time by about 30 seconds to 1 minute for each additional infusion.

7. Pouring and Enjoying

  • Pour the tea into your cup using a strainer if needed.
  • Observe the beautiful reddish-gold color of the tea.
  • Savor the aroma before taking a sip. Yunnan Dianhong tea typically has a rich, malty flavor with notes of chocolate, honey, and sometimes a hint of floral or fruity undertones.

8. Adjusting to Taste

  • Sweeteners: If you prefer, add a touch of honey or sugar.
  • Milk: A small amount of milk can complement the tea’s malty flavor.
  • Lemon: A slice of lemon can add a refreshing twist.

9. Pairing with Food

Yunnan Dianhong tea pairs well with a variety of foods, such as:

  • Savory Dishes: Cheese, sandwiches, and meats.
  • Sweet Treats: Pastries, cookies, and dark chocolate.

Tips for the Best Experience

  • Quality Water: Use filtered or spring water for the best taste.
  • Fresh Leaves: Store your tea in an airtight container away from light, moisture, and strong odors to keep it fresh.
  • Experiment: Try different steeping times and temperatures to find your preferred brewing method.

Enjoying Yunnan Dianhong Black Tea is all about personal preference and taking the time to appreciate its unique flavors and aromas. Whether you prefer it strong and bold or light and delicate, the process of brewing and drinking this tea can be a relaxing and rewarding experience.


While drinking Yunnan teas, you want to be careful not to over-brew them, especially cheaper varieties, as they can easily become bitter. Because of that, the amounts and times given in the instructions are somewhat conservative; use them as a rough guide. If you find the resulting tea too weak, add more tea leaves or try increasing the steeping time.

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Edited by Ziwei Chen/陈紫薇