Rizhe Mosque in Qiubei County, Wenshan

Chinese Name: 丘北日者清真寺
English Name: Rizhe Mosque in Qiubei County, Wenshan

Keywords: Rizhe Mosque in Qiubei County, Muslim culture, Hui nationality
Located in Rizhe Village, Qiubei County, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province.

An Overview of the Mosque
Rizhe Mosque(日者清真寺)also known as Songwuli Mosque(松雾里清真寺) is located in Rizhe Village, Qiubei County, Yunnan Province. Before the Remembrance Day in Qing Dynasty of ancient China, the mosque was built at the Rizhe Street(日者街). Due to the cruel and miserable event, the mosque which was built by the thatch was then moved to the center of Hebian Village.
So far, the mosque which was rebuilt for 108 years covers an area of 600 square meters. The worship hall is a civil engineering structure which is 200 square meters. Here are 387 families, all together 1748 Hui ethnic people.

Collections in the Mosque

  • Quran and Quran Notes: The mosque houses one copy of the Quran and a Quran Notes manuscript dating back to the 18th century.
  • Historical Horizontal Boards: Noteworthy horizontal boards include:
    • “Master of the Universe” (主宰宇宙), gifted by Lieutenant General Majiwu (马继武) during the 33rd year of the Republic of China.
    • “Xun Zhi Jue Zhong” (允执厥中), presented by Major General Mawenzhong (马文仲) in the 5th year of the Republic of China.
    • “Boost the Education, Defend the Country” (兴教卫国), bestowed by Baichongxi (白崇禧) in the 33rd year of the Republic of China.

Visitor Information

Location: Rizhe Village, Qiubei County, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province.


  • Transportation: Accessible by local transport from Qiubei County.
  • Visiting Hours: Open for prayers and cultural visits; check for prayer times if attending.
  • Cultural Etiquette: Dress modestly and respect local customs during your visit.
  • Guided Tours: Inquire locally for guided tours to learn more about the mosque’s history and cultural significance.

Visiting Rizhe Mosque offers an opportunity to explore the deep-rooted traditions and architectural beauty of Hui ethnic culture in Yunnan, providing a peaceful environment for prayer and reflection.