Ethnic Towns in XishuangBanna

Plan XishuangBanna ethnic culture tours, visit the unique Ethnic Minority Towns and Villages, discover History, Food and Dining, Clothing, Customs and Traditions, Architecture, Festivals, Crafts, Religion,Language, Population. Explore the ethnic culture and experience the Ethnic groups in XishuangBanna.

Ethnic Towns in Xishuangbanna are good choices during your Xishuangbanna ethnic minority exploring tour and ethnic culture tour. There are 13 ethnic groups living in Xishuangbanna, and the ethnic towns are places where the ethnic groups takes up the majority of the population. Gelanghe Hani Ethnic Town, Bulangshan Bulang Ethnic Town, Jinuoshan Jino Ethnic Town and Xiding Hani and Bulang Ethnic Town are recommended for your ethnic culture tour.