Fumin County Culture

Ethnic Minorities

There are Yi,,Bai,Dai,Zhuang,Miao,Hui,Lisu,Lahu and other monorities in Fumin County. The population of the ethnic minorities in Fumin is 14587, accounting for 11% of total population of the county.

Ethnic Minorities Culture

According to the census, at present, there are 14 ethnic cultures in Fumin county in 7 categories:

One is festival culture, namely Torch festival of Yi ethnic minority and Huanshan Festival of Miao ethnic minority. Torch Festival is mainly distributed in the areas of Daying, Luomian and Chijiu. Huashan Festival mainly distributed in the areas of Daying and Luomian. The main content of Torch Festival and Huanshan Festival is bullfighting, running, shooting crossbows, sprinkling torches, foot-dropping dance, folk tunes of mountain songs, climbing poles, songs of men and women, literature and art performance, and pipe playing;

Secondly, there are two ethnic cultures of musical instruments, namely "Suona Playing" and "Hulusheng Playing". Suona Playing is mainly distributed in the areas of Daying and Luommian. Hulusheng Playing is distributed in Luomian Township;

Thirdly, there are four national cultures of dance, namely, "Songs and Dace of Miao Ethnic Minority", "Diejiao Dance", "Daqiao Dance" and "Bench Dragon Dance";

Fourthly, there are two kinds of music national cultures, namely "Folk Mountain Songs" and " Traditional Culture of Xiaoshuijing Village";

Fifthly, there are two kinds of cultural relics, namely "Private Schools of Miao Ethnic Minority in Shihuaqing village”  and "Dongshan school in Chifeng village";

Sixthly, there is a national culture of clothing, namely "Yi Embroidery", which is mainly distributed in Chifeng village;

The last but not the least,there is one about the folk literature culture, namely "Oral Literature of Miao Ethnic Minority in Fumin".