Lijiang Ethnic Orphan School

Lijiang Ethnic Orphan School (丽江民族孤儿院 Lì-jiāng mín-zú gū-ér-yuàn) is a long-term institution established to support orphans primarily affected by earthquakes such as the 1996 and 1998 Lijiang earthquakes, as well as the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Located in Lijiang City, Yunnan province, China, this school provides education and housing for approximately 300 orphans from various Chinese ethnic backgrounds including Naxi, Han, Bai, and Yi.

Founded in 1999, the Lijiang Ethnic Orphan School received significant assistance from the China Children and Teenagers’ Fund, facilitating the enrollment of forty-two children orphaned by the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.

The children follow a structured daily routine, attending classes in the morning, afternoon, and evening. They cultivate their own vegetable garden and engage in cultural activities that include playing traditional instruments as well as modern ones like electric guitars, drums, and piano. Each day before lunch, the students recite a pledge affirming their commitment not to waste food.

Chinese Name:丽江市民族孤儿学校
English Name: Honghe Prefecture Children Welfare Institute