Photo Gallery of Kunming Lakeview Golf Club

As one of the China’s top rated golf courses, Lakeview Golf Club is tucked away amidst the Dachi Lake and the famous sleeping beauty (Xishan) mountain-an area of stunning natural beauty. It provides the perfect location and opportunity for our guests to start their golf adventures in the “City of Spring” and enjoy its famous year long superior golfing condition. Golf at Lakeview offers a walk through the nature to observe all of God’s beautiful creation-fauna, flora, mountains and trees. No other place can provide such a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday to enjoy the gifts from Mother Nature.
Kunming Lakeview Golf Club Kunming Lakeview Golf Club Kunming Lakeview Golf Club Kunming Lakeview Golf Club Kunming Lakeview Golf Club Kunming Lakeview Golf Club Kunming Lakeview Golf Club Kunming Lakeview Golf Club Kunming Lakeview Golf Club Kunming Lakeview Golf Club Kunming Lakeview Golf Club Kunming Lakeview Golf Club Kunming Lakeview Golf Club Kunming Lakeview Golf Club Kunming Lakeview Golf Club Kunming Lakeview Golf Club