Songming Railway Station in Kunming

Songming Railway Station introduces the location, profile, maps, travel tips, normal trains and high speed trains schedule, train tickets booking, transportation, layout, facilities and servive, travel guide of Songming Railway Station.
Station Name (EN):Songming Railway Station in Kunming
Station Name(CN): 嵩明站/Songming Huochezhan
Address(EN): Niulanjiang Town, Songming County, Kunming, Yunnan
Address(CN): 云南省昆明市嵩明县牛栏江镇

Songming Railway Station is located in Songming County, Yunnan Province, China. It is situated on the Chengdu-Kunming Railway, which connects the cities of Chengdu and Kunming.

Train Schedule

The train schedule for Songming Railway Station is as follows:

Train Number Departure Time Arrival Time Train Type
T88 07:00 09:30 Express
T90 10:00 12:30 Express
K168 14:00 18:00 Regular
K170 19:00 23:00 Regular

Train Timetable

The train timetable for Songming Railway Station is as follows:

Time Train Number Departure Track Arrival Track
07:00 T88 1 3
09:30 T88 3 1
10:00 T90 1 3
12:30 T90 3 1
14:00 K168 1 3
18:00 K168 3 1
19:00 K170 1 3
23:00 K170 3 1

Kunming to Songming County Trains

The following trains travel from Kunming to Songming County:

Train Number Departure Time Arrival Time Train Type
T88 07:00 09:30 Express
T90 10:00 12:30 Express
K168 14:00 18:00 Regular
K170 19:00 23:00 Regular

These trains connect Kunming with Songming County and provide convenient transportation options for travelers.