Tonghai Railway Station (Yuxi)

Tonghai Railway Station introduces the location, profile, maps, travel tips, normal trains and high speed trains schedule, train tickets booking, transportation, layout, facilities and servive, travel guide of Tonghai Railway Station.
Station Name (EN): Tonghai Railway Station
Station Name(CN): 通海县火车站/Tonghai Huochezhan
Address(EN): Tonghai County, Yuxi, Yunnan
Address(CN): 云南省玉溪市通海县

Tonghai Railway Station is a railway station located in Tonghai County, which is part of the Yuxi City prefecture in Yunnan Province, China. The station serves as a connection point for travelers heading to and from Tonghai County. Below is the information you requested:


Tonghai Railway Station is situated within Tonghai County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province. The exact address or coordinates can be found using online map services or by asking for local directions.

Train Timetable and Schedule:

For the most accurate and current train schedules, you should refer to the official China Railway customer service website at, or use reputable travel booking platforms such as Ctrip (, Qunar, or other apps that are commonly used in China for train travel. These sources will provide real-time train schedules, ticket availability, and pricing.

Kunming to Tonghai County Trains Schedule:

Train services from Kunming to Tonghai County can vary, with multiple trains likely available throughout the day. The journey duration will depend on the type of service you choose, with high-speed trains generally offering the quickest travel times.

How to Get to Tonghai Railway Station (Yuxi):

  • By Bus: There may be local buses that run between different parts of Tonghai County and the railway station. Check the local bus schedules and routes.
  • By Taxi: A taxi can take you directly to the station. It’s advisable to have the station name written in Chinese to show to the driver.
  • By Ride-Sharing: Services like Didi Chuxing might operate in the area and can be used to book a ride to the station.
  • By Private Car: If you have access to a private vehicle, you can navigate to the station using a GPS device or a map app.

Tips for Train Travel in China:

  • Advance Booking: Train tickets in China can sell out quickly, especially during holidays, so book as early as possible.
  • Identification: Always have your passport or Chinese ID card with you when traveling, as it’s required for purchasing tickets and boarding the train.
  • Arrival Time: Aim to arrive at the station at least 30 minutes before your train’s departure time.
  • Luggage Restrictions: Familiarize yourself with the luggage size and weight limits for the train you will be taking.
  • Food and Beverages: While many trains offer dining cars and snack carts, passengers are also allowed to bring their own food and non-alcoholic beverages onboard.

As train schedules and services are subject to periodic adjustments, always check the latest information shortly before your trip. If you’re unfamiliar with the process of booking train tickets in China, you may seek assistance from the staff at your accommodation or a local travel agency.