Top 10 Nujiang Tourist Attractions and Things To Do Rated on TripAdvisor

These are top 10 Nujiang tourist attractions rated on TripAdvisor, The full name is Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, and it Situated in the northwest of Yunnan Province, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture neighbors Lijiang City, Diqing and Dali prefectures in the east. It is also bordered by Tibet in the north and shares a boundary of nearly 450 kilometers (280 miles) with Burma in the west.

1. Nujiang River Grand Canyon

Here live Lisu minority, Nu minority, Drung minority and Pumi minority etc. They are industrious and brave, bold and vigorous, created the unique way of life and national characteristics of culture. Their costumes, singing and dancing, festival activities, the form of marriage, living customs, religious activities, such as unique and charm characteristics, constitute a harmonious canyon graffiti.

2. The First Bend of Nujiang River

When flowing near Ridan village of Bingzhongluo in Gongshan County, the river encircles a small area of land while turning 180 degrees in only a few hundred meters, with beautiful high cliffs providing a vantage point for sightseers. The river surface has an elevation of 1710 meters above sea level, having a relative fall over 1000 meters comparing with the mountains along the banks of the river.

3. Bingzhongluo Scenic Area

Bingzhongluo, which is called ‘A Heaven of Peace and Happiness’, is the most beautiful place in Nujiang Grand Canyon. When you walk on the Tea Horse Road of millennium, see the roaring Nujiang River running among the steep cliff and deep valley, splendid church and temple, tranquil villages, thick forest and towering snow mountain, you may lose yourself in the wonderful landscape.

4. Stone Moon in Gaoligong Mountain

The Stone Moon lies on the Gaoligong Mountains. It’s a hole about 40-50 meter wide and 30 meters high. Viewing from the distance, people would find the hole just like a bright moon over the sky. Local people also call it Yabaha, which means Stone Moon. The precipice is very cliffy and the weather on the mountain top is very changeable, so you can’t get to the top if without courage and perseverance.

5. Three Parallel Rivers Natural Reserve

Three Parallel Rivers Natural Reserve is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The whole reserve is composed of the drainage areas of the three great rivers – Nu River, Lancang River, Jinsha River, and the mountains around. It is a very rare phenomenon that the shortest distance between the Lancang River and Jinsha River is only 66 kilometers and between the Lancang River and Nu River the distance is less than 19 kilometers.

6. Biluo Snow Mountain

Biluo Snow mountain is one of the major mountain ranges in Hengduan Mountain in Yunnan. There are 15 snow mountains, which stand 4000 meter above sea level. The Laowo Mountain is the most beautiful a highest mountain than the others, which is 4500 meters above sea level. The climate changes unconventionally in the mountain. It is also called the “Mountain of thousands of Waterfalls and Lakes”, indicating the rich in the beautiful landscapes.

7. Zhongding Catholic Church

Zhongding church is the most famous church in Bingzhongluo area.It was destroyed during the “cultural revolution” and rebuilt in 1996. Smaller than the original church, the inside of the church is very simple, with a number of long wooden benches, and faded paintings hung on the wall. Behind the church is a simple little grave hidden by the trees where the missionary who built the church was buried.

8. Puhua Temple

Nujiang Puhua temple also called Lama temple, belongs to Tibetan Buddhism Temple, located in Dongfeng Village of Bingzhongluo, Gongshan county, Nujiang Prefecture, Yunnan province. There are 11 wall paintings under the porch and inner walls, more other 2000 small pictures of “Songji”. A clay sculpture of Buddha stands in the middle of two tigers and one lion. The whole temple is built in Tibetan style, simple but not primitive.

9. Jinji Temple

The temple was fist built in Jiaqing 15, Qing Dynasty (1810), and rebuilt in Guangxu 33 (1907), so it owns more than 100 years history. The ancient building group includes Kwan-yin Pavilion, Maitreya Temple, Jade Emperor Palace, Sanguan Temple, Dragon Spirit Hole etc. Jinji Temple got its name because of its precipitous location (in Chinese, jinji means Golden Cock, which means precipitous location). The Kwan-yin and the offering desk in Kwan-yin Pavilion are all carved by stone.

10. Baihanluo Catholic Church

Located in Baihanluo village, Baihanluo church was built in the 24th year of the reign of emperor Guangxu of the Qing dynasty (1898), in wooden construction combined in Chinese and Western style. It covers 454 square meters. The door is of the arch style with six matting fan, the second floor with arched windows, the third floor for the bell tower. In 1905, the local people held an anti-foreign religious revolt and burned down the church, which was known as the “Baihanluo case”.

These are the top 10 Nujiang tourist attractions and to-do items selected by TripAdvisor. If you want to know more about other Nujiang tourist attractions, you can inquire on the website or consult relevant staff.