Yang Shuxiang – Lushengwu Dancer and Priest of Huashan Festival in Shizong County, Qujing 

Lushengwu Dancer:(曲靖市师宗县高良乡芦笙舞艺人、花山节主持人- 杨树详)
The Lusheng is a traditional Chinese reed-pipe instrument, primarily used by the Miao and Dong ethnic minorities in southwestern China, including the region of Yunnan. The Lusheng dance (Lushengwu) is an integral part of many ethnic festivals and celebrations, where dancers perform to the music of the Lusheng. The dance is often characterized by its vibrant costumes, rhythmic movements, and sometimes includes acrobatic elements.

Priest of Huashan Festival:
The Huashan Festival, also known as the Flower Mountain Festival, is celebrated by several ethnic groups in China, including the Miao people. It usually takes place after the Lunar New Year and is a time for worshiping ancestors and gods, praying for a good harvest, and promoting fertility. A priest or shaman often plays a significant role in these festivals, leading rituals, offering sacrifices, and conducting ceremonies to communicate with the spirits and deities.

Shizong County in Qujing:
Shizong County is part of the Qujing City Prefecture in Yunnan Province. The region is known for its diverse ethnic minority groups, including the Miao, Yi, and others, each with their own unique cultural festivals and traditions.

If Yang Shuxiang is a local cultural figure, he might be recognized within his community for his expertise in traditional dance and religious practices. Participation in festivals like the Huashan Festival is a way for such individuals to preserve and pass on their cultural heritage.

For visitors interested in experiencing these cultural expressions:

  • Plan Your Visit: Research the dates of the Huashan Festival or similar cultural events and plan your visit accordingly.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: When attending such festivals, it’s essential to approach with respect for the local customs and traditions.
  • Guided Tours: Consider joining a guided tour that can provide insights into the significance of the rituals and performances you will witness.
  • Local Interaction: Engaging with local communities and possibly meeting individuals like Yang Shuxiang can enrich your understanding
