Birding Travel Tips for Baihualing and Gaoli Gongshan in West Yunnan

The Gaoligong Mountain region in Yunnan is one of China’s richest areas in terms of avian diversity, hosting 525 species of birds from 19 orders and 58 families. These birds account for 54.8% of Yunnan’s total bird species (958 species) and 37.5% of China’s total bird species (1400 species). Among them are the White-tailed Rubythroat (白尾梢虹雉), Golden Eagle (金雕), Black Vulture (黑兀鹫), Black-necked Crane (黑颈长尾雉), Blood Pheasant (血雉), Crested Bunting (红胸角雉), Green Peafowl (绿孔雀), Black Stork (黑鹳), Crested Argus (灰腹角雉), Red-crowned Crane (赤颈鹤), White Eared Pheasant (白鹇), Black Eared Pheasant (黑鹇), Crested Serpent Eagle (凤头鹰), and Sparrowhawk (雀鹰). These include 40 species classified as national first and second-level protected wildlife.

The Gaoligong Mountain area boasts a wide variety and large numbers of bird species, with concentrated distributions and vibrant plumage that captivates observers. Their calls vary greatly, adding to the area’s allure. With many ancient trade routes and former logging trails from before the establishment of protected areas, the region is easily traversed with expansive views and concentrated bird activity. It is one of Yunnan’s most classic birdwatching destinations and one of China’s prime locations for ecotourism centered on birdwatching, enjoying high international renown as a birdwatching destination. Among them, Baihualing is renowned as “China’s five-star birdwatching sanctuary.”

(一) Characteristics of Bird Resources in Gaoligong Mountain

(1) Vibrant Plumage

Walking from the Nujiang (or Longjiang) River Valley towards the mountain ridges, one can see birds of various colors such as red, yellow, cyan, blue, purple, black, white, brown, and tan, providing tourists with immense visual satisfaction.

Birds predominantly red in color include the Crimson Laughingthrush (male/赤红山椒鸟(雄)), Long-tailed Laughingthrush (male/长尾山椒鸟(雄)), Blood Pheasant (male/血雀(雄)), Red-billed Leiothrix (male/朱雀(雄)), and Yellow-bellied Sunbird(黄腰太阳鸟). Birds mainly yellow include the Black-headed Yellow Bulbul(黑枕黄鹂), Yellow Wagtail(黄鹡鸰), and Golden Bush Robin(金色林鸲). Those mainly green include the Chestnut-headed Bee-eater(栗喉蜂虎), Green Woodpecker(绿啄木鸟), Greater Yellownape(大拟啄木鸟), Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon(契尾绿鸠), and Crested Barbet(凤头鹦嘴鹎). Birds primarily blue include the Blue Rock Thrush(蓝矶鸫), Hill Blue Flycatcher(山蓝鹟), Verditer Flycatcher(铜蓝鹟), and Fairy Bluebird(仙鹟). The Violet Cuckoo(紫啸鸫) predominates in purple. Birds primarily black include the Large-billed Crow(大嘴乌鸦), Magpie Robin(鹩哥), Cormorant(鸬鹚), and Black Bulbul(黑卷尾). Those primarily white include the Intermediate Egret(中白鹭), Little Egret(白鹭), and Cattle Egret(牛背鹭). Birds with black and white interspersed plumage include the Magpie(喜鹊), Pied Bushchat(鹊鸲), Black-backed Forktail(黑背燕尾), Richard’s Pipit(白鹡鸰), and White Eared Pheasant(白鹇). Birds primarily gray include the Crane(灰鹤) and Gray-backed Shrike(灰卷尾). Most other birds (such as ducks, raptors, owls, larks, and many birds of the passerine order) are primarily brown or tan in color. These birds collectively form a colorful avian world in Gaoligong Mountain.

2. Melodious Bird Songs

The alternation of bird songs forms a beautiful symphony of the forest. The calls of the Himalayan tree pie are clear, light, and melodious like silver bells; the calls of species such as the black-headed sibia, purple cochoa, and black-backed forktail are sharp, trembling, and distinctive; the large Nuthatch’s song is loud and rugged, resembling rhythmic drum beats; even the monotonous calls of crows and hoopoes refuse to be lonely in the forest. Gaoligong Mountain, known as the “Kingdom of Laughingthrushes,” is renowned for its melodious and rhythmic songs that resonate throughout every corner of the forest. On the ridges, you can hear the red-tailed laughingthrush’s calls echoing from several kilometers away, calling and responding with companions. Through these calls, we can identify birds and also enjoy the endless pleasures of nature.

3. Varied Body Shapes

The birds in Gaoligong Mountain exhibit a wide range of body shapes. The smallest Yellow-browed Warbler weighs only over 5 grams, while the largest Vulture weighs up to 7500 grams, a difference of 1500 times. The shortest Gray-bellied Tesia measures only 8.6 cm long, whereas the longest Crane reaches up to 137 cm, a difference of nearly 16 times. There are also various ecological groups of birds with different body shapes, including waders, waterfowl, climbers, raptors, and songbirds.

4. Diverse and Colorful Pheasants

Yunnan is home to 28 species of pheasants, with 18 species found in Gaoligong Mountain alone, accounting for 64.3% of Yunnan’s pheasant species—a true “pheasant paradise”. Walking from the foot to the top of the mountain, one can see various pheasants such as the Green Peafowl (found along the Nujiang River), Quail (common in farmlands), and at the forest-farmland interface, the Hill Partridge and Barred-necked Hill Partridge are most common. Venturing into the forest, one can encounter the Blood Pheasant, White-cheeked Hill Partridge, Chestnut-throated Partridge, Gray-bellied Tragopan, Red-bellied Tragopan, White Eared Pheasant, Black Eared Pheasant, Kalij Pheasant, Long-tailed Sibia, and other diverse members of the pheasant family. As one ascends to the mountain peak, they enter the world of Blood Pheasants and Silver Pheasants. The high concentration of pheasant species in such a narrow zone is a biological wonder.

二、Gaoligong Mountain Birdwatching Season and Routes

Birdwatching is one of the distinctive ecotourism activities in Gaoligong Mountain, characterized by specific seasons and routes:

(1) Gaoligong Mountain Birdwatching Season and Timing

The best time for birdwatching in Gaoligong Mountain is from October to May the following year. Ideal observation times are from 7:00 to 11:00 in the morning on the eastern slope, and from 17:00 to 20:00 in the afternoon. On the western slope, observation times are from 8:00 to 12:00 in the morning and from 17:00 to 20:00 in the afternoon.

(2) Gaoligong Mountain Birdwatching Ecotourism Routes

Currently, a network of birdwatching routes centered around Gaoligong Mountain has been established in western Yunnan. These routes radiate eastward to Dali’s Cangshan and Heqing, northward to Nujiang’s Bingzhongluo and Dulongjiang, southward to Dehong and Yingjiang, and westward to Tengchong and Myanmar.

The main birdwatching ecotourism routes in Gaoligong Mountain include:

  1. Nujiang Gorge Route: A short birdwatching ecotourism route from Gangdang to Baihualing to Jinchang River, featuring over 150 bird species.
  2. Ancient Trail Birdwatching Ecotourism Route: From Baihualing to Nanzhai Gongfang to Linjiapu, showcasing over 200 bird species.
  3. Gaoligong Mountain Ridge Birdwatching Route: From Baoshan to Nujiang Gorge to Gaoligong Mountain Nature Reserve to Dahao Ping to Tengchong to Datang to Zizhong, highlighting over 300 bird species.
  4. Baoshan Birdwatching Ecotourism Loop: A loop from Baoshan to Nujiang Gorge to Baihualing to Datang to Zizhong to Tengchong to Longling to Xiaoheishan to Jiangzhongshan to Hongqiao Bridge back to Baoshan, featuring over 350 bird species.
  5. Western Yunnan Border Birdwatching Route: From Baoshan to Nujiang Gorge to Baihualing to Gaoligong Mountain Nature Reserve to Datang to Zizhong to Tengchong to Yingjiang to Ruili to Mangshi, showcasing over 400 bird species.

Besides birdwatching, Baoshan boasts a rich history with numerous cultural and natural attractions. It offers over 240 hot springs throughout the city, with Lujiang Dam being particularly beautiful and fertile. Baoshan is renowned as China’s top charming town and a place of endless beauty, with Tengchong recognized as China’s number one city of jadeite. Moreover, Baoshan features the globally significant historical sites of the Western Yunnan Anti-Japanese War, such as Songshan Battle and the Camelback Airline. Visiting Baoshan not only rejuvenates the body but also nourishes the soul.

How to Get to Baihualing:

    • Self-driving: Start from any of the three major junctions on the Hangrui Expressway Baoshan section—Baoshan, Tengchong, or Longling—and exit at Lujiangba. At the T-junction after exiting the expressway, turn left onto Liuman Highway, where signs are posted at every intersection.
    • By Bus: Take a bus from Baoshan Passenger South Station to the resort area (Lujiangba Dam). There are 12 buses daily, starting at 8:20 with hourly departures until the last bus leaves at 18:00. Get off at Xiaopingtian and transfer to another vehicle.
    • Climate Tips: Baihualing is located in a high-altitude area, with birdwatching points at around 1700 meters above sea level. There is a significant temperature difference between day and night. Daytime temperatures average around 16 degrees Celsius, while morning and evening temperatures range from 5 to 10 degrees Celsius. It is advisable to wear warm clothing such as down jackets or windbreakers. The mountain climate is variable, so it’s recommended to prepare thick winter outerwear.
    • Medical Tips: If feeling unwell during activities, contact Dr. Wu at 18987517687.

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