People and Population in Nujiang

Nujiang Prefecture, situated in Yunnan Province, China, is renowned for its cultural diversity and unique ethnic groups. Here’s a detailed overview focusing on the people and population aspects of Nujiang:

Ethnic Groups

Ethnic Diversity:

  • Major Ethnic Groups:
    • Lisu: 48.21% of the total population.
    • Dulong: Unique to Nujiang, with a significant population in the Dulong River valley.
    • Nu: Also unique to the area, with various self-designations such as “Nusu,” “Anu,” and “Along.”
    • Pumi, Bai, Tibetan, and Han: Contributing to the diverse ethnic tapestry of the region.
  • Minority Population: Constitutes 92% of the total population, the highest proportion among China’s 30 autonomous prefectures.

Cultural Characteristics:

  • Lisu People: Historically categorized as White, Black, and Flower Lisu based on their clothing. Known for their traditional hemp clothing and unique hairstyles, such as braids decorated with red thread and small white shells.
  • Dulong People: One of China’s smaller ethnic groups, primarily residing in Dulongjiang Township. Known for animism and nature worship, and traditional facial tattoos among young women.
  • Nu People: Residing in multiple counties within Nujiang Prefecture, the Nu people speak several dialects and have distinct cultural practices.

People’s Life and Livelihood

  1. Livelihood: Agriculture is a primary livelihood for many in Nujiang, with rice cultivation, tea production, and fruit farming being notable agricultural activities. Fishing and forestry also play significant roles in the local economy.
  2. Culture and Festivals: Each ethnic group in Nujiang has distinct cultural practices and festivals. These include the Nu people’s Nadun Festival, Lisu New Year celebrations, and Tibetan Buddhist ceremonies, all of which contribute to the region’s cultural vibrancy.
  3. Challenges and Development: Nujiang faces challenges in infrastructure development due to its mountainous terrain. Efforts are ongoing to improve transportation networks, healthcare access, and educational opportunities for its residents.
  4. Social Dynamics: The communities in Nujiang maintain strong social ties within and across ethnic groups, fostering cultural exchanges and mutual support.

Key Points:

  • Lisu Autonomous Prefecture: The only Lisu Autonomous Prefecture in China, highlighting its unique status.
  • Rich Ethnic Culture: The prefecture is renowned for its vibrant ethnic cultures, including festivals, traditional clothing, and unique customs.
  • Population Trends: The population has shown a slight decrease in recent years, with a notable increase in urbanization.


Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture is a region marked by its rich ethnic diversity and cultural heritage, with the Lisu, Dulong, Nu, and several other ethnic groups contributing to its unique identity. Despite recent population decreases, the area continues to maintain a high urbanization rate and strong emphasis on ethnic unity and social harmony.