Zhongying Mosque in Zhaotong

Basic Information

  • Chinese Name: 昭通市中营清真寺
  • English Name: Zhongying Mosque
  • Location: Xiaolongdong Township, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, China


Zhongying Mosque, also known as Central Camp Mosque, is a prominent religious site for the Hui Muslim community in Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province. It has a rich history dating back to the Qing Dynasty.

Historical Background

  • Founding: Established in the 9th year of Yongzheng Emperor’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1731). It suffered destruction during the failed Yunnan Muslim uprising against the Qing Dynasty in the 6th year of Xianfeng Emperor’s reign (1856). The mosque was subsequently rebuilt but faced further damage during the Cultural Revolution. Reconstruction efforts began in 1979 with local Muslims raising funds. The mosque was finally completed and inaugurated in October 1984.

Architectural Features

  • Size and Layout: Zhongying Mosque covers an area of 9.3 acres with a total construction area of 1,958 square meters. The main prayer hall spans 378 square meters.
  • Architectural Style: The mosque features an Arabic architectural style with a main hall of 5 rooms, front corridors, and rear pavilions. The minaret stands 13 meters tall with a hexagonal spire, showcasing Islamic architectural elements.
  • Special Features: Inside the mosque, there are commemorative steles for the reconstruction and the call to prayer tower. It also houses four ancient white twig trees, each over two hundred years old.

Community and Religious Practices

  • Community: Currently, Zhongying Mosque serves 900 households with approximately 4,500 people, all belonging to the Gedi clan. It has 18 Islamic scholars (学董) and 40 imams (阿訇).
  • Leadership: The current Imam is Hu Xianrong, and the current Islamic scholar is Ma Zhirong.
  • Cultural Artifacts: The mosque’s collection includes 200 volumes of Arabic classics.

Visitor Information

For those visiting Zhongying Mosque:

  1. Respectful Conduct: Visitors should dress modestly and adhere to mosque etiquette.
  2. Cultural Experience: Explore the historical and cultural significance of Zhongying Mosque, including its architectural beauty and community contributions.
  3. Location: Zhongying Mosque is located in Xiaolongdong Township, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province. It is accessible via local roads in the area.


Zhongying Mosque stands as a testament to the resilience and cultural heritage of the Hui Muslim community in Zhaotong, Yunnan Province. Its architectural splendor and historical significance make it a noteworthy site for both religious worship and cultural appreciation.