Baijiashao Mosque in Xundian County, Kunming

Chinese Name:百家哨清真寺
English Name:Baijiao Mosque


Baijiao Mosque is located in Baijiao Village, Tianshengqiao Village Committee, Jinsuo Township, Xundian County, Kunming, Yunnan Province.

Historical Background

Baijiao Mosque, originally constructed in the 13th year of the Ming Jiajing era (1534), was founded by the village leader Ma Mengpeng and local villagers. It is situated on the western side of the village, with a clear spring located over a hundred meters behind the mosque. Adjacent to the spring is a pond named Laozha Pond. The mosque originally owned 6 mu (approximately 0.4 hectares) of paddy fields that were irrigated by the spring. In front of the mosque, verdant bamboo forests thrive, surrounded by distant mountains, creating a tranquil and picturesque environment with lush greenery, birdsong, and fragrant flowers.

During the sixth year of the Qing Xianfeng era, the mosque was destroyed by Qing soldiers. It was relocated to the rear of the village and rebuilt in the early years of the Republic of China, consisting of a main hall with three rooms and north and south side rooms, each with two rooms. In early 1958, it was demolished, and in 1979, a rudimentary new main hall with three rooms was built in the village. In 1986, north and south side rooms, bathing rooms, and a walled gate were added. By 2003, the old hall was demolished, and a new three-story reinforced concrete structure was expanded with a green dome and a 22.8-meter high spire.

Architectural Significance

The facade of the mosque is adorned with three golden-bronze characters “朝真殿” (Chaozhen Hall), shining brightly under the sunlight, presenting a magnificent sight. The mosque covers an area of 536 square meters and required an investment of approximately 200,000 yuan. Currently, it is well managed by the mosque committee, with regular activities and even a kindergarten operating within its premises, attended by over 20 Hui and Han children.

Muslim Travel Tips

  • Visiting Hours: Check for designated visiting hours as the mosque is now primarily a religious site.
  • Respectful Visits: When visiting, maintain respectful behavior and adhere to any dress code or guidelines provided.
  • Historical Exploration: Explore the rich history and architectural beauty of Baijiao Mosque, including its minarets and carved decorations.
  • Local Culture: Take time to learn about the local Muslim culture and history in Jinsuo Township, Yunnan Province while visiting Baijiao Mosque.

Baijiao Mosque stands as a testament to the enduring cultural heritage and community spirit of Baijiao Village in Yunnan Province.