Driving in China

Driving in China can be an exciting way to explore the country, but it also comes with unique challenges and strict regulations. Here’s a detailed guide on how to navigate the process of driving in China, including obtaining a driving license and understanding the road rules.

General Tips for Driving in China

  • Traffic Conditions: Traffic can be heavy, especially in major cities. Be prepared for aggressive driving behaviors and frequent congestion.
  • Road Signs: Most road signs are in both Chinese and English, but it’s still important to familiarize yourself with common Chinese traffic symbols.
  • Navigation: Using a reliable GPS system or navigation app that works offline can be very helpful, as not all areas will have consistent mobile data coverage.
  • Safety: Always wear your seatbelt and adhere to local traffic laws to ensure your safety and avoid fines.

Obtaining a Chinese Driving License

You cannot drive with an International Driving Permit (IDP) in mainland China. To legally drive, you must obtain a Chinese driving license. Here’s how to get one:

1. Eligibility and Requirements

  • Age: At least 18 years old for a car license and 20 years old for a motorcycle license.
  • Residency: You need a valid residence permit or visa.
  • Health Check: A medical examination is required.

2. Required Documents

  • Passport: Including visa page and entry stamp.
  • Temporary Residence Registration Form: Obtain from the local police station.
  • Health Check Certificate: From a designated hospital.
  • Photos: 4-6 recent passport-sized photos with a white background.
  • Foreign Driver’s License: If you have one, and a certified translation.

3. Health Check

Undergo a medical examination at a designated hospital. This includes vision, hearing, and general health checks.

4. Study for the Written Test

Prepare for the written test on Chinese traffic laws and road signs. Study materials can be found online or at the Public Security Traffic Management Bureau.

5. Register and Take the Written Test

Submit your documents at the local Vehicle Management Office (DMV). The written test has 100 multiple-choice questions, with a passing score of 90.

6. Practical Driving Test

If you don’t have a foreign driver’s license, you will need to pass a practical driving test after completing driving lessons.

7. Receive Your License

Upon passing the exams, you will be issued a Chinese driving license, valid for six years.

Provisional Driver’s License at Beijing Capital Airport

You can get a provisional driving license at Beijing Capital Airport, which is valid for a limited period and easier to obtain.


  1. Documents: Passport, visa page, entry stamp, foreign driver’s license, three 1-inch color photos.
  2. Medical Exam: Conducted at the airport’s medical center.
  3. Application: Submit your documents to the traffic police station at the airport. The process takes about an hour.

Driving Rules and Regulations

Road Rules

  • Speed Limits: Usually 40-60 km/h in urban areas, 80-100 km/h on highways, and up to 120 km/h on expressways.
  • Seatbelts: Mandatory for all passengers.
  • Alcohol Limit: Strictly enforced with zero tolerance for drunk driving.
  • Mobile Phones: Use of mobile phones while driving is prohibited unless using a hands-free device.


  • Motorcycles: Banned in some city centers like Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hangzhou.
  • Toll Roads: Many highways are toll roads; ensure you have cash or a toll card.
  • Parking: Can be challenging in cities; look for designated parking areas to avoid fines.

Tips for Foreign Drivers

  • Language Barrier: Knowing basic Chinese phrases can be helpful. Consider using a translation app.
  • Navigation Apps: Apps like Google Maps, Amap (Gaode), or Baidu Maps are useful.
  • Local Driving Habits: Be cautious of aggressive driving behaviors and always stay alert.
  • Emergency Numbers: Police (110), Ambulance (120), and Fire (119).


Driving in China can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to explore the country at your own pace. By understanding the local requirements and regulations, and preparing thoroughly, you can enjoy a safe and enjoyable driving experience in China.