How to Plan a Tiger Leaping Gorge Trekking Tour?

Tiger Leaping Gorge is spectacular and crown as the deepest gorge in the world. Foreign backpackers started hiking in the area in the 1980s and now Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking Tour has been one of the most famous hiking tour all around the world. It is a very enjoyable travel adventure in Yunnan. This article is a guide about how to plan a Tiger Leaping Gorge Trekking Tour, including how to get to Tiger Leaping Gorge, how long you spend in Tiger Leaping Gorge and the information related to Tiger Leaping Gorge trekking, which can help you arrange your own Tiger Leaping Gorge Trekking Tour. Tiger Leaping Gorge between Lijiang and Shangrila

Choose a Gateway City

Choose a gateway city in China to take a flight or high-speed train to Lijiang or Shangri-La. Kunming and Dali are the most popular gateway cities to start a Tiger Leaping Gorge Trekking Tour among tourists. Moreover, you can also start your tour from BeijingShanghaiXi’anChengdu and other cities to appreciate more about China’s charm.

How Long to Stay in Tiger Leaping Gorge

Visit Tiger Leaping Gorge in One Day

If you only spend one day in Tiger Leaping Gorge, it is recommended to visit the highlights of Tiger Leaping Gorge including challenging yourself by trekking the steep paths in Middle Tiger Leaping Gorge and having a grand view of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Haba Snow Mountain.

The Recommended Tours:

Visit Tiger Leaping Gorge in 2-3 Days

If you want to take a trekking tour in Tiger Leaping Gorge, then 2-3 days may be enough. Tiger Leaping Gorge is recognized as one of the most famous scenic attractions for trekking in the world and one of the must-visit places in Yunnan. This 2-3 days tour is a primary difficulty trekking tour. You can reach the highest point of this trekking: 28 Zigzag Bends to see how steep and thrilling the Tiger leaping Gorge is. You could also witness an incredibly loud, churning, foaming river relentlessly pounding giant boulders in its path.

The Recommended Tours:

Visit Tiger Leaping Gorge in 4-6 Days

If you can spend 4-6 days in Tiger Leaping Gorge, you will have more chances to experience local culture in Tiger Leaping Gorge and get to more places in Yunnan or have more leisure time. Haba Snow Mountain, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain are always closely connected with Tiger Leaping Gorge. Therefore, it is wonderful to take a trekking tour with Haba Snow Mountain.

The Recommended Tours:

Visit Tiger Leaping Gorge in More Days

Visiting Tiger Leaping Gorge in more days will include the best places for trekking. You can visit some ethnic and rustic villages and towns-such as Wenhai Village, and Xuehua Village. It also includes some famous attractions, such as Jade Dragon Snow MountainBaishui River, and Blue Moon Valley.

The Recommended Tours:

Travel Tips

Best Time to Visit Tiger Leaping Gorge

Tiger Leaping Gorge hiking can be done at any time around the year as it enjoys a mild climate even in winter (5-15 degrees Celsius), but the temperature difference of a day is great. Between April and June and the autumn time during September to October is the best time to travel. During these two periods it is suitable to go hiking on the Tiger Leaping Gorge, also can see the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain scenery. The late spring and early summer the temperature is moderate, flowers on the meadow blooming like a piece of brocade which is charming.

More about When is The Best Time to Visit Tiger Leaping Gorge

What to Eat in Tiger Leaping Gorge

The most famous Tiger Leaping Gorge Food are vegetables. The people pay attention to refreshing of the food in Tiger Leaping Gorge. The cuisine of meat is mainly focus on baking and stewing. Don’t miss some local food like Lijiang Baba.
More about Tiger Leaping Gorge Dining

Where to Stay in Tiger Leaping Gorge

There are some hostels with average prices for 100-150 RMB along the hiking route. Since the Tiger Leaping Gorge is well-known to people all over the world and more and more backpackers flock here, you’d better arranging the hostels early, especially at the peak tourist season. It is very convenient to find hostels along the hiking routes of Tiger Leaping Gorge, such as Naxi Family Guesthouse.

How to Get in Tiger Leaping Gorge

There are two buses depart (8:00 and 8:30) from Lijiang to Hutiaoxia Town directly. Or you can take a bus from Lijiang to Shangri-La County, and drop off at Hutiaoxia Town.There are many buses from Shangri-La City to Lijiang, getting off at Hutiaoxia Town.
More about Tiger Leaping Gorge Transportation

Main Festivals

Festivals of Naxi People

Festivals of Tibetan People

Best Things to Do in Tiger Leaping Gorge

Yunnan Tiger Leaping Gorge include three parts: the upper section(Lijiang Side, Shangri-La Side), middle section and lower section. The Tiger Leaping Gorge is famous for its steepness, one of the deepest gorges in the world and sits between Haba Snow Mountain in the north and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in the south. As a hiking paradise, Things to Do in Tiger Leaping Gorge Yunnan cover challenging sections like 28 Zigzag Turns and Middle Rapids which are considered as the highlights of Tiger Leaping Gorge. In addition, Walnut Garden Village, Bendiwan Village is also a favored spot by hikers. The Top Tiger Leaping Gorge Attractions are absolutely the splendid gorge and surging Jinsha River.

Top Attractions in Tiger Leaping Gorge

Recommended Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking Routes

Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking Routes Time
• Lijiang – Qiaotou – High Trail – Middle Tiger Leaping Stone – Ferry – Daju – Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (Maoniuping) – Lijiang 3-4 Days
• Lijiang-Qiaotou – High Trail – Middle Tiger Leaping Stone/Upper Tiger Leaping Stone – Qiaotou – Lijiang / Zhongdian 2 Days
• Lijiang – Qiaotou – High Trail – Middle Tiger Leaping Stone – Baishuitai , Haba Village – Zhongdian 3-4 Days
(All itineraries proposed here don’t include the time you would spend in Lijiang and Zhongdian.)

Preparation for Tiger Leaping Gorge Trekking Tour

What to Know

  •  Know the basic information about Tiger Leaping Gorge, which can help you understand the local culture well.
  • Learn some information about Naxi people and Tibetan people in Tiger Leaping Gorge in advance.
  • If you are interested in Chinese, learn some basic Chinese characters, which could help you communicate with the locals easily.

What to Take

  • While trekking in Tiger Leaping Gorge, watch out for the slippery stone paths. Skid-resistant shoes are recommended to avoid accidents.
  • You can travel lightly. Meals, drinks and accommodations are available. The inns may not provide clean sheets, so you might want to take sheets. Be sure to have rain gear of some kind and a canteen or water bottle.
  • Though the trail is well used, it is not safer to hike alone. It might be best to travel with a partner or in a group. If you get hurt, a partner can help. Hospitals and clinics in the area may not have someone who speaks English. It is easier to get lost if you are alone. Yunnan Exploration offers professional English tour guides who have rich experience in Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking Tour. If you are interested in Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking Tour, please contact us to design your private tour.
  • Bring some medicines in case of emergency, like cold medication and and medicines for a stomachache.
  • Don’t forget your Chinese visa and passport.