How to Plan Hiking Tour around Nujiang Grand Canyon

Planning a hiking tour around the Nujiang Grand Canyon in Yunnan offers a thrilling adventure through one of China’s most dramatic landscapes. Here’s a guide to help you plan your hiking tour:

1. Understand Nujiang Grand Canyon

Nujiang Grand Canyon, also known as the Salween Grand Canyon, is located in northwest Yunnan, near the border with Myanmar. It is one of the deepest river canyons in the world, with rugged terrain, pristine forests, and diverse ethnic cultures.

2. Choose Your Hiking Trails

Sample Itinerary:

  • Upper Trail: Start from Bingzhongluo and hike upstream along the Nujiang River, passing through Tibetan villages, terraced fields, and ancient monasteries. This trail offers breathtaking views of the canyon and the opportunity to explore remote ethnic minority communities.
  • Lower Trail: Begin from Liuku or Fugong and follow the lower reaches of the Nujiang River. This route includes lush forests, waterfalls, and suspension bridges spanning the canyon. It’s less strenuous than the upper trail but equally scenic.

3. Accommodation

  • Stay Along the Trail: Accommodations range from guesthouses in local villages to basic lodges and eco-lodges along the hiking routes. Bingzhongluo, Fugong, and Liuku offer lodging options suitable for hikers.

4. Transportation

  • Getting There: Reach Nujiang Grand Canyon by bus or private car from Kunming or other major cities in Yunnan. Roads can be challenging, so plan for sufficient travel time.
  • Local Transport: Use local buses or hire a guide with a vehicle to access trailheads and transfer between hiking segments.

5. Permits and Regulations

  • Permits: Check local regulations for hiking permits, especially if visiting protected areas or crossing into ethnic minority villages.
  • Environmental Awareness: Respect local customs and protect the natural environment by following designated trails and disposing of waste responsibly.

6. Hiking Tips and Safety

  • Trail Conditions: Trails vary from well-marked paths to rugged terrain with steep ascents and descents. Wear sturdy hiking boots, carry adequate water, and be prepared for weather changes.
  • Altitude Considerations: Some parts of Nujiang Grand Canyon are at high altitudes. Acclimatize gradually to avoid altitude sickness.

7. Cultural and Natural Highlights

  • Ethnic Minority Culture: Engage with Tibetan, Lisu, and Nu ethnic communities along the trail. Visit local markets, monasteries, and traditional homes to learn about their unique customs and traditions.
  • Natural Wonders: Explore waterfalls, hot springs, and viewpoints offering panoramic vistas of the canyon and surrounding mountains.

8. Packing Essentials

  • Hiking Gear: Pack essentials such as a backpack, layers of clothing, rain gear, sunscreen, hat, and insect repellent.
  • Camera: Capture stunning landscapes and cultural encounters with a camera or smartphone.

9. Health and Safety

  • Emergency Preparedness: Carry a first aid kit with basic medical supplies. Know emergency contacts and inform someone of your hiking plans.
  • Local Guides: Consider hiring a local guide familiar with the area’s terrain, culture, and language for a safer and more enriching experience.

10. Dining and Cuisine

  • Local Food: Enjoy traditional Yunnan cuisine at guesthouses or local eateries along the hiking trail. Taste specialties like Tibetan butter tea, roasted barley, and hearty stews prepared with local ingredients.


Planning a hiking tour around Nujiang Grand Canyon allows you to immerse yourself in the rugged beauty and cultural diversity of northwest Yunnan. By preparing your itinerary, accommodations, transportation, and hiking essentials in advance, you can enjoy a memorable adventure through one of China’s most spectacular natural landscapes.