Ten thousand Mu Pear Blossoms and Jiajizhai Village of Jijie Town in Gejiu City, Honghe

Chinese Name: 个旧市鸡街镇加级寨村万亩梨花
English Name: Jiajizhai Village and Pear Blossoms of Jijie Town in Gejiu City, Honghe


“Pear Blossoms” have become the hallmark of Jiajizhai Village in Jizhi Town, Gejiu City. Since the first “Pear Blossom Festival” in 2011, Jiajizhai has used “pear blossoms” as a medium and “civility” as a guide to continuously promote the coordinated development of local culture and rural tourism. This has further enhanced the brand recognition and reputation of the “Jiajizhai Pear Blossom Valley.”

Promoting Civilized Village Customs

Establishing Village Regulations

Jiajizhai has tailored its village regulations to reflect local characteristics and practical needs. These regulations include maintaining village appearance, protecting the ecological environment, managing traffic, promoting honest business practices, and showing courtesy to tourists. Villagers are expected to adhere strictly to these rules under the supervision of the village committee and the Red and White Council. Additionally, behaviors such as environmental damage, dishonest business practices, neighborhood disputes, and wastefulness are subject to criticism and education, guiding villagers to follow rules and maintain discipline. This foundational work has been crucial in creating a civilized and harmonious living and tourist environment.

Strengthening Standardized Management

As tourism in the village has developed, over 40 households have spontaneously started operating farmhouses and guesthouses. To manage this growth and improve service quality, the village established a farmhouse management supervision team. This team oversees the charges and services of all related businesses. The village also invites relevant industry departments to provide training on culinary skills and guestroom management. Before the Pear Blossom Festival, the market supervision department conducts comprehensive inspections of these businesses, effectively enhancing their standardized operation levels. During the 2024 Pear Blossom Festival, the village’s total economic income exceeded 4 million yuan. The “pear blossom economy” has shown villagers the tangible benefits of rural revitalization and the new path of “agriculture-tourism integration.”

Setting Advanced Examples

Jiajizhai focuses on improving the overall quality of its villagers by actively promoting exemplary individuals. In addition to regular selections like “Ten-Star Civilized Households,” “Good Neighbors,” and “Good Daughters-in-Law,” the village has introduced the “Advanced Individual of Pear Blossom Valley” award. These exemplary stories are shared at village meetings, encouraging villagers to abide by laws, foster unity, conduct honest business, and be hospitable. Each year, during the preparation for the Pear Blossom Festival, a special story-sharing session is held to highlight advanced deeds and gather feedback from visitors about their impressions of the village. This initiative aims to instill the belief that “everyone represents the tourism image, and every place is part of the tourism environment,” encouraging villagers to showcase their unity and hospitality to visitors.

Enhancing Civilized Practices

To ensure quality service during the “Pear Blossom Festival,” the Jizhi Town New Era Civilization Practice Center and Biyehong Village New Era Station advocate that “the ten thousand mu of pear blossoms are a shared wealth of the Jiajizhai people.” They have formed a volunteer service team of nearly 300 people, divided into small teams responsible for sanitation, traffic guidance, tour consultation, and civilized advocacy. These teams regularly conduct activities to promote new civilized practices. Additionally, a caring service station is set up to provide drinking water, emergency medicine, free umbrellas, and other convenient services for tourists, enhancing the overall tourism service experience. Over 60 civilized practice reminder signs are installed at the visitor service center, public restrooms, lamp posts, and other locations, guiding tourists to travel and enjoy the blossoms in a civilized manner. During the 2024 Pear Blossom Festival, more than 1,200 people participated in civilized practice volunteer services, resulting in two promotional reports and one video, highlighting the village’s commitment to civility.

Visitor Praise

Visitors to Jiajizhai consistently praise the village for its beautiful scenery and even more beautiful people. With the support of civilized village customs, the reputation of Jiajizhai’s ten thousand mu of pear blossoms is sure to grow even stronger.

Travel Tips for Visitors

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Jiajizhai Village for the pear blossom experience is during the blooming season, which typically occurs from late February to early April. This is when the pear trees are in full bloom, creating a mesmerizing sea of white flowers.


Jiajizhai Village is located in Jizhi Town, Gejiu City, Yunnan Province. It is easily accessible from major cities and transport hubs in the province.


  • Pear Blossom Festival: Participate in cultural performances, photography contests, and guided tours.
  • Orchard Visits: Explore the extensive pear orchards and learn about pear cultivation practices.
  • Local Market Visits: Purchase fresh pears and other local produce from the village markets.

Local Specialties

Enjoy fresh, juicy pears harvested from the local orchards. The pears from Jiajizhai Village are known for their exceptional quality and flavor, making them a delightful treat for visitors.