8 Days Yunnan Cycling Tour from Yangtze to Mekong Rivers

Discover the enchanting landscapes of Yunnan Province, China, as you embark on a captivating 8-day cycling journey from the majestic Yangtze River to the mighty Mekong River. This exceptional adventure commences in the charming town of Lijiang, where ancient cobblestone streets and traditional Naxi villages provide a glimpse into the region’s rich cultural heritage. As you cycle through the picturesque hills, verdant valleys, and majestic mountains, you’ll have the chance to delve into local markets, sample delectable cuisine, and engage with warm locals. The scenery transforms dramatically as you follow the Yangtze River, passing through historic towns and villages, before reaching the serene Mekong River, which marks the border with Laos. This memorable cycling tour offers a unique fusion of natural wonders, cultural richness, and adventure, leaving you with lifelong memories of this incredible region.


Beginning an unforgettable 8-day cycling adventure that takes you through the stunning landscapes of Yunnan Province, China, from the majestic Yangtze River to the mighty Mekong River. This journey begins in the picturesque town of Lijiang, where ancient cobblestone streets and traditional Naxi villages set the tone for a trip that will immerse you in the region’s rich cultural heritage. As you pedal through the rolling hills, lush valleys, and towering mountains, you’ll have opportunities to explore vibrant markets, try local delicacies, and interact with friendly locals. Along the way, the scenery shifts dramatically as you follow the course of the Yangtze River, passing through historic towns and villages, and eventually reaching the tranquil Mekong River, which forms the border with Laos. With its unique blend of natural beauty, cultural diversity, and adventure, this cycling tour is a true gem that will leave you with lifelong memories of this incredible region.


  • Explore ancient town of Lijiang, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Visit Black Dragon Pool and Mu Family Compound
  • Cycle through scenic villages and farmland of Naxi minority
  • Pass by First Bend of Yangtze River, stunning spot for photography
  • Cycle along Jinsha River and enjoy breathtaking views of gorge
  • Visit Tibetan monastery of Gatok, traditional Tibetan architecture and culture
  • Explore old town of Zhongdian, also known as Shangri-La
  • Visit Songzanlin Monastery, grand Tibetan monastery
  • Enjoy local Tibetan cuisine and drinks
  • Cycle through high-altitude plateau of northern Yunnan
  • Pass by traditional Tibetan villages and monasteries
  • Cycle along Mekong River, which forms border with Laos
  • Visit ancient Feilai Temple, sacred Buddhist site
  • Cycle through lush valleys and hills of southern Yunnan
  • Visit famous Golden Hall Temple in Jinghong
  • Explore bustling markets and streets of Jinghong

Brief Itinerary

Day 1: Arrive in Shangrila
Day 2: Cycle to Wujing Village
Day 3: Cycle to Tacheng/ Visit Snubed-nosed Monkey Reserve
Day 4: Cycle to Weixi Lisu Autonomous County
Day 5: Cycle to Zhongpai Village
Day 6: Cycle to Lanping
Day 7: Lanping-Shaxi
Day 8: Shaxi-Lijiang and Departure

Detailed  Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival Shangri-La

Sightseeing and Activities: Shangri-La Old Town, Songzanlin Monastery,

Accommodation: Shangri-La

Meals: Dinner

  • Meeting Point and Welcome
    • You’ll meet the guide at the airport and take a short drive to your start point hotel in  Shangrila old town.
    • There will be a group meeting at 6 pm where you’ll go over all the formalities of the trip and answer any questions you might have about the upcoming trip before heading out for a delicious Tibetan banquet in the old town.
  • Early Arrival and Exploration
    • For those arriving early, not a bad idea if you wish to acclimatise and do some exploring, there is the old town to wander, Songzanlin Monastery to visit, and endless hikes in the surrounding hills, lakes and national parks. There are also numerous cafes, restaurants and local wares to sample as well as Shangrila’s own craft brewery that uses locally grown ingredients.
  • About Shangrila
    • A town of many names, Shangrila, Xianggelila in Chinese, formerly called Zhongdian, sits at 3280m above sea level and is traditionally a Tibetan town (known as Gyalthang in Tibetan) and is most famous for Songzanlin Monastery, south west China’s most important monastery.
    • Renamed Shangrila in 2003 to promote tourism, numbers of visitors have risen dramatically and much of the town has modernised, following a path that most Chinese tourism towns take: emptying the old areas of residents and making them commercial.
    • The old town was almost destroyed in 2014, but has been restored now and, despite the development, it’s still one of the more charming old towns in China, particularly the architecture of the Tibetan homes; enormous ornately decorated buildings utilising the plentiful local wood; dwellings not found on such a grand scale in other parts of the Tibetan world.
  • Surrounding Landscapes
    • The surrounding landscapes are probably the real drawcard though, for which Shangrila makes the perfect base: cool, crisp mountain air, deep blue skies, lush grasslands, pine forests, hot springs, wheat and barley fields, handsome villages, numerous lakes and flowering rhododendrons and azaleas in spring.
    • With an extra day, jump on a bike or scooter and check out the spectacular views of Songzanlin from afar (no need to go in, unless this is your first monastery!
    • There are several smaller temples in the surrounds that are have few tourists) or head for the hills on foot!
  • Note: the Shangrila altitude is 3280m

Day 2: Cycle to Wujing Village

Sightseeing and Activities: cycling to Napa Sea and Wujing

Accommodation: Wujiang County

Meals: Breakfast

  • Day Begins
    • After breakfast and a bike set up, you start an unforgettable adventure with an epic 100km ride.
    • Although it may seem like a long day, apart from a gentle six-kilometre climb, it’s mostly flat and downhill! We’ll cycle out of town and head straight for Napa Lake (Napa hai), a stunning water catchment that attracts various species of migratory birds, including the majestic black-necked crane.
    • This area is also a grazing ground for livestock and a vital water source for agriculture, producing wheat, barley, and vegetables, surrounded by picturesque Tibetan villages. The serene lake, nestled between towering mountains, offers breathtaking views!
  • The Ascent and Descent
    • You’ll leave the lake behind and begin our morning climb, greeted by prayer flags at the pass at 3560m, the highest point of our journey. Then, it’s all downhill from here!
    • Your route takes us on a massive descent of over 1000m to the mighty Yangtze River below.
    • Be sure to stop at viewpoints along the way to take in the breathtaking scenery – and you’ll have plenty of time to do so – as this will be the easiest 100km you’ll ever cycle. Tiny Tibetan and Lisu villages dot the hillsides as we descend to the river, where the ride flattens out.
  • Exploring Wujing
    • After settling into your hotel, you’ll head out for dinner in town and visit the famous 30m high Buddha tree, known as Malishuwang, and experience the local atmosphere.
    • While Wujing may be an unknown gem to outsiders, it’s close to Damofusi monastery, a remote retreat perched high in the mountains on the opposite side of the river.
    • This sacred site is a secluded haven where hard-core Tibetan Buddhist monks come to delve into their faith’s deeper practices.
    • It’s a well-kept secret outside of Buddhist circles – making it a unique experience for those who venture here.
  • Note: the Wujing altitude is 1950m

Day 3: Cycle to Tacheng/ Visit Snubed-nosed Monkey Reserve

Sightseeing and Activities: ride that continues along the Yangtze River, The Xiangguqing Valley, Three Parallel Rivers National Park

Accommodation: Tacheng

Meals: Breakfast

  • A Gentle Start
    • On your second day on the bikes, you will take a more leisurely approach with a 35km ride that follows the scenic Yangtze River.
    • You’ll cross a bridge and continue along the smaller Lapo River, winding through a picturesque fertile valley.
    • Quaint farming villages, gingko groves, rice and wheat fields, and densely forested hillsides unfold before you as you ride.
  • The Xiangguqing Valley
    • Your destination is the enchanting Xiangguqing valley, situated just beyond the charming township of Tacheng.
    • Here, you’ll find the golden monkey (also known as snub-nosed monkey) reserve, home to around 360 of these fascinating primates.
  • Conservation Efforts
    • As part of the larger Three Parallel Rivers National Park, this valley is not only a haven for the monkeys but also a vital sanctuary for other species.
    • The park is designed to protect not only the monkeys and other wildlife but also the delicate ecosystem and water catchment that supports biodiversity in the valley.
    • After lunch, you’ll have time to explore and spot these highland primates or other wildlife in their natural habitat.
    • You’ll settle in for the night with dinner amidst nature’s splendor.
  • Note: the Tacheng altitude is 2070m

Day 4: Cycle to Weixi Lisu Autonomous County

Sightseeing and Activities: meet Weixi Lisu Conty

Accommodation: Lishui county

Meals: Breakfast

  • A Mountainous Ascent
    • Today’s ride is the most demanding of the tour, as you tackle a 46km climb up the valley.
    • You’ll pass through several Lisu minority villages and their lush farmlands, surrounded by breathtaking scenery.
  • Into the Wilderness
    • As you ascend higher, the villages become fewer and farther between, and the forest grows denser, enveloping us in its tranquility.
    • The valley narrows, and we find ourselves in a remote and serene environment.
  • A Highland Plateau
    • Eventually, you emerge onto a plateau of undulating highland, where lush grasslands stretch as far as the eye can see.
    • After refueling with lunch, you’ll start a 20km descent before tackling a shorter climb into Weixi town and our hotel for the night.
  • Cultural Immersion
    • Weixi Lisu Autonomous county is the heartland of the Lisu ethnic group, and we’ll have the opportunity to explore this vibrant rural centre.
    • In the evening, you’ll delve into local cuisine and immerse ourselves in the bustling atmosphere of this charming town.
  • The Weixi altitude is 2250m

Day 5: Cycle to Zhongpai Village

Sightseeing and Activities: the landscape on the way, Zhongpai Village

Accommodation: Zhongpai Village

Meals: Breakfast

  • A Quick Transfer and River Convergence
    • You make a swift transfer, dodging a bustling section of road and getting back on our bikes.
    • As you ride, you will meet the majestic Mekong River, situated where three of Asia’s largest rivers – the Yangtze, Mekong, and Salween – are mere 150km apart.
    • The snow-capped mountains that surround us are an imposing barrier, causing the rivers to diverge and flow to different parts of Asia, sustaining massive populations along the way.
    • This confluence of rivers has given rise to ancient empires and cultures, which eventually terminate in separate oceans thousands of kilometers apart.
    • Over the next two days, you’ll follow the Mekong as it winds its way through the mountains on its journey southward.
  • Tunnels and Villages
    • You’ll likely bypass a section of tunnels before jumping back on our bikes and making our way to Zhongpai, a charming Lisu village. Our hotel boasts breathtaking views of the Mekong River and the snowy summit of Biluo Snow Mountain, which separates the Lancang and Nujiang Rivers. We’ve entered the Nu minority region, where the cuisine is heavily influenced by South East Asian flavors and eating is a more tactile experience – people use their hands to enjoy their meals.
  • Culinary Delights
    • Tonight, you’ll indulge in a sumptuous banquet featuring this unique cuisine.
    • Be prepared for a sensory experience like no other!
  • The Zhongpai altitude is 1770m

Day 6: Cycle to Lanping

Sightseeing and Activities: Ride on roads of Mekong, Move to Lanping County

Accommodation: Lanping

Meals: Breakfast

  • Undulating Roads
    • Back on your bikes, you ride on rolling roads above the Mekong, taking in the breathtaking views as you pedal 36km to your lunch break.
    • After refueling, you’ll transfer to tunnels and dusty roads, making your way to the top of today’s pass. Don’t worry, you won’t be tackling a grueling climb!
  • Twisting Descent
    • The forested roads then treat us to a thrilling downhill ride, winding your way to the outskirts of Lanping.
    • Here, you’ll pack up our bikes for a ride into town. Lanping is a unique place, being the only autonomous county for both the Bai and Pumi people.
  • Cultural Significance
    • Lanping is a relatively poor region, but recent development efforts have brought significant changes to the area.
    • The Bai people originally hailed from the shores of Lake Erhai and Dali, migrating to this region along the ancient tea horse route.
    • The Pumi, a Tibetan-related people, were once nomadic and connected to the Qiang tribe, which inhabited the highlands of the Tibet-Qinghai plateau.
    • They were forced to move to Sichuan and Yunnan’s Hengduan Mountains in the 13th century with the Mongol empire’s expansion.
    • Today, they practice agriculture and livestock farming in their highland homeland. You’ll experience the local culture and flavors for dinner in this rarely visited town.
  • Note: the Lanping altitude is 2420m

Day 7: Transfer and cycle to Shaxi

Sightseeing and Activities: Jianchuan valley, Lashi Lake, Views of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain,Shuhe Old Town, Baisha Old Town

Accommodation: Lijiang

Meals: Breakfast

  • Final Ride
    • Today marks the final day of your cycling journey as you pedal off into the distance.
    • You’ll transfer for 2 hours to begin our ride at Baihanchan Reservoir, where you’ll face an optional 16km climb out of the Jianchuan valley.
    • Those who prefer can start at the top of this hill and enjoy a more leisurely ride.
  • Downhill Delight
  • Lijiang’s Charm
    • Lijiang is a bustling tourist town, with a summer escape for northerners and an array of holiday homes.
    • However, the original old town remains a UNESCO-listed treasure, boasting an impressive maze of old buildings and canals.
    • With the ever-present Jade Dragon Snow Mountain looming in the background, Lijiang is a photographer’s paradise.
    • Early morning, late evening, or when the light is just right, you can catch a glimpse of its former grandeur.
  • A Hidden Gem
    • If you’re lucky enough to have extra time, consider exploring Shaxi, just a couple of hours away by car.
    • This rural valley is home to dozens of old villages, waiting to be discovered on foot or by bike. The old town has been well-preserved, offering a glimpse into local life and the old tea horse route of yesteryear.
  • Note: the Lijiang altitude is 2420m

Day 8: Departure Day

Sightseeing and Activities: Departure from Lijiang

Accommodation: None

Meals: None

Today is departure day and you are free to leave at anytime. We’ll organise a transfer to Lijiang airport for your departing flights.


  • Guided cycling tour: Explore the scenic roads and countryside with a knowledgeable local guide.
  • Transportation: Transfer to and from each cycling stage, as well as any additional transportation needed during the tour.
  • Accommodation: Spend the nights at comfortable hotels or guesthouses, with breakfast included.
  • Meals: Enjoy local cuisine and refreshments throughout the tour, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • Cycling equipment: Use high-quality bicycles and safety gear, including helmets, gloves, and rain gear.
  • Water and snacks: Stay hydrated with bottled water and enjoy local snacks during the ride.
  • Attractions and entrance fees: Visit all the attractions mentioned in the itinerary, including national parks, historic sites, and cultural experiences.
  • Oxygen supply: Carry an emergency oxygen supply on each ride, just in case.
  • English-speaking guide: Enjoy a guide who speaks English fluently and can provide insights into local culture and history.
  • Mechanical support: Have access to a support vehicle that can assist with bike maintenance or repairs.


  • International airfare: Fly to and from Kunming or other starting points in China.
  • Travel insurance: Purchase your own travel insurance to cover any unexpected medical or travel-related expenses.
  • Personal expenses: Pay for your own meals, drinks, and souvenirs outside of those included in the itinerary.
  • Cycling equipment rental: If you prefer to use your own bike, you can bring it or rent one locally at your own expense.
  • Additional activities: Participate in additional activities or excursions not mentioned in the itinerary at your own cost.
  • Tips and gratuities: Leave tips for your guide and other service staff at your discretion.
  • Visa fees: Obtain any necessary visas for travel in China at your own expense.

Additional information:

  • The tour is designed for moderately experienced cyclists with some physical fitness.
  • The daily cycling distance ranges from 40-80 km, with some days offering more relaxed rides and others featuring more challenging terrain.
  • The tour is subject to change due to weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances.
  • We recommend purchasing travel insurance that covers adventure activities such as cycling.