Xihua Wetland Park in Kunming

Xihua Wetland Park in Kunming is located on the west bank of Dianchi Lake, at the foot of Guanyin Mountain, covering an area of approximately 781 acres. Within this area, there are 281 acres dedicated to ecological wetlands, featuring 1,225 planted trees such as willows, Dian pox, peach trees, and over 250,000 water plants.
Chinese Name: 昆明西华湿地公园
English Name: Xihua Wetland Park in Kunming
Xihua Wetland Park in Kunming

Overview of Attractions:

Departing from Dianchi Road and heading towards the exit of Gao Hai Expressway, it takes about half an hour by car. There are no nearby bus stops, so driving is the ideal mode of transportation. The park is characterized by dense reeds, secluded boardwalks, the sounds of seabirds, and the movement of wind and waves. The beauty of the lake and mountains is boundless.Xihua Wetland Park in Kunming-05

Through the planting of more than 27,000 upright and aesthetically pleasing water-loving trees like Chinese fir, which efficiently absorb nitrogen and phosphorus from the water, Xihua Wetland Park has truly become a wetland forest park with a three-dimensional structure of trees, shrubs, and grasses. In recent years, guided by the principles of “pollution interception outside the lake, dredging inside the lake, water transfer from external areas, and ecological restoration,” the Xishan District Committee and Government have prioritized lakeside ecological restoration as the foundation of Dianchi Lake’s management, striving to preserve the original environment to the greatest extent possible, even allowing wild grasses to grow naturally along the boardwalk.

Address: Next to Gao Hai Expressway (near Dianchi Lake).

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