2018 UN Biodiversity Conference
The 14th meeting of the CBD Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the 9th Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the 3rd Meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (CBD COP 14, Cartagena Protocol COP/MOP 9, and Nagoya Protocol COP/MOP 3) are expected to address a series of issues related to implementation of the Convention and its Protocols.
A High-Level Segment is expected to convene from 14-15 November 2018. The CBD COP 14 and COP/MOPs are expected to meet in parallel from 17-29 November 2018.
The theme of the 2018 Biodiversity Conference is “Investing in biodiversity for people and planet.” The high-level segment will: focus on ways and means to mainstream biodiversity into the sectors of energy and mining, infrastructure, manufacturing and processing, and health, within the broader context of sustainable development and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals; and
address how to engage the international community in the transformational path needed for the new global biodiversity framework to be adopted in 2020.
The SDG Knowledge Hub summary of the 2016 UN Biodiversity Conference (including CBD COP 13) is here.
dates: 14-29 November 2018
location: Sharm el-Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt
contact: CBD Secretariat
phone: +1-514-288-2220
e-mail: secretariat@cbd.int
www: https://www.cbd.int/meetings/
Source from: http://sdg.iisd.org/events/2018-un-biodiversity-conference/