Boston University Shanghai Students Yunnan Education Tour in Lijiang

Planning an educational tour for Boston University Shanghai students in Lijiang, specifically focusing on microcampus opportunities in Shaxi, Yunnan, China, involves creating a structured and enriching experience. Here’s how you can plan such a tour:

Destination: Shaxi, Yunnan, China

Overview: Shaxi is a historical town located in Jianchuan County, Dali Prefecture, Yunnan Province. It’s known for its well-preserved ancient architecture, including the Pear Orchard Temple in Diantou Village, offering excellent educational opportunities.

Educational Tour Planning:

  1. Educational Goals and Objectives:
    • Cultural immersion in Bai minority culture and heritage.
    • Understanding historical architecture and preservation efforts in Shaxi.
    • Experiencing rural life and sustainable practices in Yunnan.
  2. Itinerary Design:
    • Day 1: Arrival in Shaxi
      • Transfer from Lijiang to Shaxi.
      • Check-in at accommodations (e.g., Li Family homestay).
    • Day 2-4: Microcampus Activities at Pear Orchard Temple
      • Educational Sessions:
        • Group study and breakout classrooms at the Pear Orchard Temple.
        • Lectures on Bai minority culture, history, and architecture.
        • Workshops on local crafts or skills (e.g., traditional music, pottery).
      • Cultural Immersion:
        • Visit to the Pear Orchard Temple and other historical sites in Shaxi.
        • Authentic village experiences, including interactions with local Bai communities.
        • Easy hiking to Shibaoshan to explore ancient grottoes and Buddhist sculptures.
      • Residential Program Features:
        • Full-service restaurant providing local cuisine.
        • Broadband WiFi and quiet study areas for individual research or reflection.
        • Opportunities for leisure activities like biking and exploring the surrounding countryside.
    • Day 5: Reflection and Departure
      • Reflective sessions on learning outcomes and personal growth.
      • Departure from Shaxi back to Lijiang or onward travel arrangements.
  3. Logistics and Accommodation:
    • Arrange transportation from Lijiang to Shaxi and within Shaxi for site visits.
    • Ensure comfortable and culturally immersive accommodations, such as homestays or local guesthouses.
  4. Safety and Supervision:
    • Employ local guides or coordinators familiar with Shaxi’s cultural and natural attractions.
    • Provide safety briefings and guidelines for students during activities and excursions.
  5. Cultural Sensitivity and Respect:
    • Prepare students with cultural sensitivity training regarding Bai customs, etiquette, and traditions.
    • Encourage respectful interactions with local communities and adherence to local norms.
  6. Evaluation and Follow-up:
    • Conduct post-tour evaluations to assess educational outcomes and student feedback.
    • Encourage students to share their experiences through presentations or reports.

Additional Considerations:

  • Budgeting: Estimate costs for transportation, accommodation, meals, and activities.
  • Documentation: Ensure all necessary travel documents and permissions are in order for international travel.
  • Preparation: Provide pre-departure materials to students, including cultural background information about Shaxi and Yunnan.

By following this structured approach, the educational tour to Shaxi, Yunnan, can offer Boston University Shanghai students a unique and immersive experience, blending academic study with cultural exploration and personal growth opportunities.